Completed: the Zinnia Skirt

8 Nov

Who doesn’t love to wear wool in the winter time?

Zinnia Skirt made with plaid wool from Mood Fabrics

I feel like a broken record when I start singing the praises of wool, but foreal you guys – this stuff is awesome. It’s super warm and cozy, breathes very well (so you don’t get overheated in all that warm and cozy-ness), and it’s also antimicrobial, which means it naturally repels odors. Which means now you know why I wear so much wool and still manage to keep up with the laundry – it doesn’t need to be washed very frequently! Airing out is fine for day-to-day. Yay for being lazy!

Zinnia Skirt made with plaid wool from Mood Fabrics

So obviously, I was ready to bust the wool out just as soon as the temperatures started dipping. I’ve had my eyeball on that Zinnia pattern, and I paired it up with this beautiful lightweight wool plaid suiting from Mood.

Zinnia Skirt made with plaid wool from Mood Fabrics

I didn’t take any special precautions when sewing this – it’s wool, it’s just easy! The stitches sink in (bad for unpicking, but great for hemming since you can’t see the top stitching ;)), it presses beautifully, and as weird as this is gonna sound – it was really fun to cut, too. My scissors just sliced right through that yardage. I love the colors and it looks just as good paired with black as it does with navy. Double duty fabric and all that.

Zinnia Skirt made with plaid wool from Mood Fabrics

For the skirt, I cut the size 2 (although I did end up taking in the waist so maybe the 0 would have been better). I left the skirt unlined and shortened the hem by about 3″ so I could have a mini. The waistband is cut on the bias and, despite what you might think you see, I promise that the plaid matches up at the side seams 🙂

Zinnia Skirt made with plaid wool from Mood Fabrics


Zinnia Skirt made with plaid wool from Mood Fabrics

Oh yeah, and I did totally just change shirts. We’ll discuss those in a second.

Zinnia Skirt made with plaid wool from Mood Fabrics

So. About working with this skirt in a plaid fabric. It works – kind of. Matching those side seams was HELL ON EARTH and I’m not really sure why. There are only two pattern pieces, for fuck’s sake! That was also the same day I got my kidney stone (which, if you’re still wondering… it’s still here. Just hangin’ out. Ugh ugh ugh), so I blame it on the pain meds. Anyway, I don’t really think this patterns works very well with a stripe – at least not the stitched-down-pleats version. They just look like a hot mess at the front and back. Might want to save your plaids – or at least your large-scale plaids – for another project.

Zinnia Skirt made with plaid wool from Mood Fabrics

I also had to drastically shorten the hemline – like I said, 3″ and WOO IT’S A MINI – because the longer length just looked dumpy as hell on me. Which means my plans for using a border print probably won’t work with this pattern, at least not the print I had in mind. It’s just too tall for the skirt length.

Zinnia Skirt made with plaid wool from Mood Fabrics
Zinnia Skirt made with plaid wool from Mood Fabrics

Also, the fabric I chose maaaay be a little too much for this pattern – seeing as how it sticks out like I have a teeny petticoat underneath it, ha – but I actually like the flared look.

Renfrew top made with wool knit from Mood Fabrics

Oh yeah, my tops! This is a Calvin Klein wool jersey, also from Mood Fabrics (attached link isn’t the same color – looks like they’re sold out of the grey, SORRY – but it’s the same fabric type) and it is deeeelicious. So soft and cozy, and not itchy at all! I used the Renfrew pattern and made the cowl version with 3/4 sleeves. I just love the way the fabric drapes at the cowl – it has enough body so it’s not droopy, yet it’s also not huge and standing up on it’s own or anything.

Also, sorry about the rouge leaf. Didn’t see that during the photos, haha!

Renfrew top made with rayon knit from Mood Fabrics

I made the navy v-neck because I felt like my contribution was a little boring, and also because I wanted to see how good navy looks with this skirt (it does! it does!). I used a rayon jersey from Mood Fabrics that’s been in my stash for ages – originally considered for leggings, until I realized that it was a tiny bit too sheer aka I would be baring my bum. I’m so glad I found a use for it, though, because it is some of the most luxurious fabric I have ever handled! It may just be a rayon knit, but it’s silky smooth and amazing. I really wish I had it in every color! I’m also, like, stupid proud of how that V turned out, by the way.

As usual, I took waaay too many pictures, so I’m just going to dump the rest here.

Zinnia Skirt made with plaid wool from Mood Fabrics

Zinnia Skirt made with plaid wool from Mood Fabrics

Zinnia Skirt made with plaid wool from Mood Fabrics

Renfrew top made with wool knit from Mood Fabrics

Renfrew top made with rayon knit from Mood Fabrics

Zinnia Skirt made with plaid wool from Mood Fabrics

Zinnia Skirt made with plaid wool from Mood Fabrics

The tiny belt loops are my favorite part! So tiny and cute!

Zinnia Skirt made with plaid wool from Mood Fabrics

See what I mean about the plaid? It looks like a hot mess at the pleats. Oh well.

Zinnia Skirt made with plaid wool from Mood Fabrics

One last thing – I wanted to thank y’all for all your advice regarding my muslin, as well as my kidney stone. I’ve decided to set the muslin aside for now; I may revisit it in the future but I think my coat for 2013 will have to be a totally different pattern! So I guess I’ve got that to figure out. As far as the kidney stone… well, it’s still there, taking up residence. Y’all will probably be able to hear me scream from the rooftops once it finally emerges haha. A few people urged me to to go the doctor, and I did want to follow up and let y’all know that I went to both a doctor and a specialist last week, got the x-rays as well as a variety of medications. There’s not much else we can do at this point beyond surgery or shooting lasers (which my uninsured ass is reeeeally trying to avoid), which means I gotta shoot it out! For the past couple days I’ve been on an essential oil regimen, and tonight I will be trying some Coke/asparagus concoction that sounds fucking disgusting but is supposed to work. Anyway, sorry for the TMI, keep thinking happy kidney stone thoughts! haha!

Zinnia Skirt made with plaid wool from Mood Fabrics
Zinnia Skirt made with plaid wool from Mood Fabrics

56 Responses to “Completed: the Zinnia Skirt”

  1. Nakisha November 8, 2013 at 8:24 am #

    That skirt would also look super cute with a cropped sweater in a bright color (is that a pink or a red stripe??). I probably won’t get the Zinnia but I like your spin on it. Great for fall/winter!

  2. Hanne November 8, 2013 at 8:27 am #

    I had the same situation with the length of my Zinnia. Chopped off quite a bit as well. I am on the shorter side of the length spectrum and I feel like shorter skirts simply look better on shorter people? (not that they don’t look good on tall people, but long skirts look a bit frumpy on shorter people – or at least they look frumpy on my!)
    Good luck with the kidney stone. It’s unfortunate insurance is so difficult in the USA.
    Your Zinnia looks quite awesome!

    • LLADYBIRD November 8, 2013 at 8:33 am #

      The insurance situation is so dumb! I let that shit lapse for like 2 months while starting this new job, and my body’s all “LOL NOPE UR FUCKED.” Figures!

  3. lifeisjustduckie November 8, 2013 at 8:29 am #

    I really like plaid on the skirt. A s well as the cowl neck shirt, that fabric draped beautifully. Hoping your kidney stone passes soon!

  4. Johanna L. Imhoff November 8, 2013 at 8:29 am #

    All three pieces look great. I really like the flare of the skirt! Hope you get rid of that stone soon. I feel like you deserve a superhero cape for going through that. Hang in there.

  5. angela November 8, 2013 at 8:50 am #

    So glad to see you made the Zinnia before I did so I know what I’m in for. Since I am also 5’2″ I know what I’m in for on the length issue 🙂 Your’s is super cute as usual! I like the top too.

    So sorry to hear about your health. I’m dealing with some health nonsense too so I know how your feeling…its a bummer 😦 Makes all my projects a little longer to get through and I cannot even run right now or bike double bummer 😦 😦

    Guess it gives me more time to sew and knit 🙂 Its cold out too so I should be inside knitting and sewing. I just hate being told I can’t do something 🙂

    Good luck with your kidney stone and thanks for posting your super cute skirt. Always love to see your inspiring posts 🙂

  6. ShanniLoves November 8, 2013 at 8:57 am #

    Gosh I think this version is super cute. I love it in plaid!!

  7. Stephanie November 8, 2013 at 9:04 am #

    Way cute! I like how the skirt flares too. Those tops are fantastic! I am in desperate need of a few tops and refuse to buy any. I should pull out my Renfrew pattern!

  8. gingermakes November 8, 2013 at 9:27 am #

    I love this skirt! It’s just so cute. I really like how flippy it is– the body of the fabric is perfect for this!

  9. colleen November 8, 2013 at 9:37 am #

    I love love love these outfits. I’ve been really struggling over a silk zinnia (with the pleats sewn down) and this makes me just want to trash it and get my wool out! I also have a wool jersey knit tagged for a renfrew — it’s shocking how soft it is! Wool wool wool, knit it, sew it, roll in it!

  10. Katja November 8, 2013 at 9:43 am #

    Wow, that’s a really cute skirt, I’m thinking about getting the pattern, but I already have wayyy to many patterns for the time I spend sewing. I’m on the totally different end of the sewins -speed- curve than you are = meaning I’m as slow as a snail…
    However, about the coat. This is a coat pattern I really like the look of, although I think it will take me years to muster up the courage to make it for myself. But as you are miss speed sewing and able to sew jus anything, this link might interest you.
    It’s the Abbey Coat from pretty ditty.
    Oh and good luck with that kidney stone!

    • LLADYBIRD November 8, 2013 at 7:53 pm #

      Hahaha I actually have this pattern and I want to make it up! I don’t think it’ll be a good match for my checked fabric – although I did buy hot pink wool coating, which it would be peeeerfect for. But I really want to use my black and white coating! Argh, decisions decisions. Y’all are not making this any easier 😉

      • Anonymous November 10, 2013 at 6:12 am #

        Oh yeah, right, you wanted to use the black and white checked fabric…that would probably make things a bit difficult. But ohhh in hot pink! That sounds great!
        Good luck then for your pattern quest, i’m really interested what you will come up with!

  11. Corinneinne November 8, 2013 at 9:48 am #

    I love the skirt! I like your shorter version – very cute, especially with the wool fabric!

  12. lisa g November 8, 2013 at 10:02 am #

    very cute skirt! those pleats are just a real hassle to stitch down (at least i thought so when i made this skirt), probably because of the weird bias angles they end up on. love the renfrew tops also, that wool jersey sounds fab!

  13. Lisa A November 8, 2013 at 10:43 am #

    Love the skirt and tops, as always you do an amazing job on your clothes. Kidney stones are so shitty. I had them while I was pregnant and I would take the pain of having a baby over the pain of a kidney stone any day! I hope it passes soon for you so you can get back to your pain free self again!

  14. Trice November 8, 2013 at 10:53 am #

    I love this skirt and I love that it looks like you have a petticoat under it. You know you only make me want to pay you to make a skirt for me. I won’t I promise, but I might harass you for advice on the matching. Like best pattern to take that leap. You are a plaid goddess.
    The Renfrews look so cozy.
    I hope your stone pass soon, because who wants to do the hospital thing. Happy passing thought to you.

    • LLADYBIRD November 8, 2013 at 7:51 pm #

      You’re so sweet 🙂 Holler at me if you ever need plaid help!

  15. Kelly November 8, 2013 at 11:00 am #

    😦 I’m so sorry the stone is still with you! Way to be productive anyway, though. If I were you I’d just be curled up on the couch feeling sorry for myself! This skirt turned out so cute, I love how flippy it is! I just made a pleated skirt (not Zinnia, but reminiscent of it) and it’s going to be short by my standards too. Sooo dumpy at knee length!

    • LLADYBIRD November 8, 2013 at 7:50 pm #

      Oh, I’m still totally feeling sorry for myself – and getting lots of couch time too 😉 Actually, I’m about to head that way right now! Fuck yeah, couch time! 😀

  16. Nat @ Made in Home November 8, 2013 at 11:26 am #

    Love the skirt – I love plaid, it looks wonderful on you – how come it flares up like that, it is just the pattern? Not sure it is good for my shape though, but great inspiration for another skirt! Sorry about the kidney stone, hope it gets resolved.

    • LLADYBIRD November 8, 2013 at 7:50 pm #

      I think it’s a combination of the style of the pattern plus a fabric with a bit of body. If you don’t want it to flip up, use a drapier fabric so it’ll hang more 🙂

  17. Sarah W. November 8, 2013 at 11:31 am #

    Love it! Wool is the best!

  18. Margo November 8, 2013 at 11:55 am #

    Love that skirt! The flared mini look is super cute.

  19. craftylittlebugger November 8, 2013 at 12:17 pm #

    My coat muslin ended up sucking too, so I’m in the same place as you – looking for a different pattern. I hate it when mind plans don’t match well with practical plans.

    And good luck with the kidney stone. Keep a hot water bottle on those guys, it really seems to help with kidney pain (I find anyway).

  20. Amanda November 8, 2013 at 12:31 pm #

    Sorry to hear about your kidney stones! (I’m a little behind with my blog reading apparently.) Hopefully it’s over with soon. :-/

    This outfit is great! I was wondering if those were Renfrew tops when I saw them, especially the cowl neck one because I’m wearing that exact top right now! Well, not exact…mine is red with long sleeves. I love the look of the 3/4 sleeves, but I get cold easily so long sleeves are my best bet. Also, I totally wanted to go to Mood this weekend to get some sweater knits – might have to check out their wool jersey too!

  21. Annessa Babic November 8, 2013 at 12:35 pm #

    I’m still contemplating a Zinnia . . . and I just made a cowl out of a charcoal heather. Twinsies again.

  22. Chantal November 8, 2013 at 1:01 pm #

    I love how it flares out! I don’t think the pleats look weird in a plaid at all, but I’m just starting my first plaid project, so maybe I just don’t have a trained eye yet! And I was planning on using the leftover wool plaid (or check, not sure exactly what it is) to make a Zinnia, so it’s great to see what it looks like made up!

  23. tworandomwords November 8, 2013 at 2:02 pm #

    Insurance and the USA health insurance is pretty shite. This ( looks like a reasonably good collection of data about prevention and medical treatment (druuugs) – mainly focused around drinking plenty of water.
    Good luck, Dr. Tworandomwords, NZ

    • LLADYBIRD November 8, 2013 at 7:48 pm #

      This is very helpful, thank you!

  24. Joanne November 8, 2013 at 3:30 pm #

    It does look like you have a petticoat on! But in a good way. I love this little skirt on you. And it goes perfectly with your new tops. 🙂

  25. Blue Sunday November 8, 2013 at 5:16 pm #

    So happy I follow your blog. I have this lovely pink wool. I purchased a sewing expo that I was making a jacket muslin for. But I finished the muslin and I was so disappointed with how it fit. Your post shows me it is totally okay to make a muslin and it not work. I can just put it aside to make something I LOVE. And to think I sewed that jacket before I attempted the Zinnia pattern which I also purchased at the expo. Love that skirt! Looks awesome on you.

    Thanks for the heads up on the length. I’m on the shorter side and I don’t want to look frumpy at all!

    • LLADYBIRD November 8, 2013 at 7:48 pm #

      Of COURSE it’s ok to kill your muslin! Don’t you dare waste that lovely pink wool on something that you feel meh about in the muslin stage. I reckon you should just make a Zinnia skirt instead 😉

  26. Lori November 8, 2013 at 5:36 pm #

    Great looking outfit,, the skirt looks so cute on you.

  27. Betsy November 8, 2013 at 5:36 pm #

    100% cherry juice works for kidney stones, both in the passing and prevention of them! Love the skirt, love you blog!

  28. Sally {thequirkypeach} November 8, 2013 at 5:42 pm #

    That plaid is perfection!!! I might need to go buy all three of these fabrics right now! 🙂

  29. clareyszabo November 8, 2013 at 5:56 pm #

    Such a cute skirt for this season and I love your tights and shoes. What pattern did you use for the navy v-neck? Sorry to hear that stone is still lurking around. Get tae fuck stone!

    • LLADYBIRD November 8, 2013 at 7:33 pm #

      It’s the Renfrew, a mash-up of views A and B 🙂

  30. tialys November 9, 2013 at 3:20 am #

    Interesting! I commented before that I completely screwed up my plaid version by not getting the side seams to match but it is gratifying to know that it wasn’t my fault the pleats went all weird too. I undid the whole skirt so I could try again but, I think once I cut the back and front so the plaid matches, it will be too short for me (I’m a lot older than you!) but I have got a 20 year old daughter who could wear it so it might still escape the bin. Next time, I’m going to wait until you’ve made your version of a new pattern before I leap in!

  31. Joanne November 9, 2013 at 4:09 am #

    That’s such an adorable skirt Lauren – it really suits you! So sorry to hear about kidney stone and your uninsured ass. Come for a visit to the UK and we’ll get you sorted down the NHS!

  32. Nicki November 9, 2013 at 7:14 am #

    What a cute Zinnia, I love the way it swooshes out! Looks great with both tops:o) I’m envious at how quickly you knock stuff out, I feel very unproductive in comparison. Ick to the damn kidney stone, hope it gets sorted soon.

  33. sallie November 9, 2013 at 8:16 am #

    Ooohh god… I’m really feeling for you with the kidney stone!! I SO hope it passes soon! My insides just hurt thinking about it, you poor thing!

    But I’m loving your new makes! Separates are the best, and I just love them for fall! Your plaid skirt and tops are REALLY giving me some serious school-days nostalgia! I used to go NUTS for plaids like this come this time every year! I just love how ‘smart’ the whole look is. Lovely.

  34. K-Line November 9, 2013 at 9:28 am #

    Giving you the healthiest of vibes! (Here’s hoping you don’t have to drink coke and eat asparagus though…)

  35. nerd in cucina November 9, 2013 at 9:46 am #

    I like this skirt! AND I think it looks better with the grey sweater…nice work!

  36. Kelly November 9, 2013 at 12:36 pm #

    This skirt is so cute on you, I love the shape the wool gives it! I have a wool plaid skirt that I thrifted, and it’s one of my favorite things to wear in the winter. So sorry about your kidney stone, I hope it is resolved soon 😦

  37. Zoe November 10, 2013 at 9:17 am #

    Love the skirt – the shape works. I had a similar experience with an A line skirt I made a while ago – when it was done I was a bit shocked at how much it stuck out. But when I wore it I got heaps of compliments on my ‘cute retro’ look. Sometimes I think working with it for a while means you get over exposed! It would be interesting to make the same pattern in another fabric and see what happens. Might still work with the border.

  38. Gina November 10, 2013 at 1:50 pm #

    The v in your v-neck is totally awesome – you should be proud!

  39. Sophie November 10, 2013 at 4:21 pm #

    love love that skirt!! Oh did you color your hair? or maybe it is just the light…either way your hair looks so pretty!

  40. Lisette November 11, 2013 at 8:51 am #

    Ew. Coke and asparagus? You’re brave! This skirt actually really makes me want to sew a Zinnia! And even if the shirts are basics, they look great and how can you not feel good about sewing something practical? I hope people listen to you about wool, it really is the best. I can’t believe people ever thought polyester was better.

  41. jenna (@KittyCatStevens) November 11, 2013 at 10:41 pm #

    how the hell do you even make a shirt i don’t understand.

    neckline and sleeve cuffs— HOW DO THEY WORK?! ugh, you’re perfect BYE


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