Completed: Augusta Hoodie // Anima Pants

22 Aug

I know it’s still like 8000 degrees here in the South, but I’m already thinking ahead to the next season! This year, I want to be ready when the cold starts creeping in – even though you & I both know that won’t realistically happen here until, like, December (if not later!).

With that being said, I started this project WAY THE FUCK back in May – you know, when summer was the creeper. Took me this long to finish it, but whatever!

Prepare yourselves. This is a two-part project, so there are a bunch of pictures.

Organic French Terry Augusta Hoodie

First part – the one I started in May (or was it April? omg.) is this sweet-ass track jacket hoodie combo! The pattern is the Augusta Hoodie from Named. I don’t tend to sew a lot of patterns from this company – I find most of the styles a bit outside of my personal style preferences (like the Inari dress that everyone is going apeshit over and I JUST CAN’T GET BEHIND THAT SORRY), but occasionally I’ll come across something that makes *me* go apeshit (see: my beloved Jamie Jeans LOVE U). As was the case with this jacket! The pattern was given to me as a gift by my lovely friend Carla; it has taken me over a year to decide what to make it up with, but I think it was worth the wait!

Organic French Terry Augusta Hoodie

Organic French Terry Augusta Hoodie

Organic French Terry Augusta Hoodie

Organic French Terry Augusta Hoodie

The Augusta Hoodie is a combo track jacket/hoodie with welt pockets, front snaps, and seaming that is perfect for some crazy colorblocking (even though I totally went the boring route). I made a size 32, and adjusted the sleeve length as I found them a bit long (a normal alteration for me).

Pattern construction wasn’t too terribly difficult – Named has gotten much better with their pattern instructions (they used to be quite sparse) and I had no problems with any of the steps, including the welt pocket. The jacket is unlined, but there is a facing so you get a nice clean edge at the front. The hood is lined, which I left off because my fabric was so thick. I also added a drawstring to the hood, cos I liked the way it looked. Ideally, I would have done this before finishing the hood – and used my machine to sew grommets around where the drawstring goes. Instead, I decided to do it after the hoodie was completely finished, and thus just popped a couple holes in the hood with my scissors and hoped for the best, ha.

Organic French Terry Augusta Hoodie

Organic French Terry Augusta Hoodie

Organic French Terry Augusta Hoodie

The fabric is a super thick, super heavy cotton French Terry from Organic Cotton Plus. I went with the Cranberry color, although they have tons of other color options for French Terry. This fabric is amazingly thick and soft and will be wonderful to wear when the temperatures start dropping. The piped sleeve seams are done with strips of rib knit fabric, just flat – there is no piping in there (only cos I didn’t have any on hand and I didn’t feel like waiting for any to ship). The ribbing at the bottom and cuffs is actually two different kinds of fabric – I originally planned to use the aforementioned rib fabric from OCP, to keep everything consistent, but it was way way WAY too lightweight to work with this thick fabric. I ended up painstakingly ripping off the bottom band (which was serged on) and replacing it with a sturdy rib knit from Mood Fabrics, which holds up much better with the thick French terry. Of course, I fucked up my measurements and didn’t buy enough, so the cuffs is an entirely different rib knit that is a lighter weight (but heavier than the rib fabric from OCP). I don’t remember where that rib came from as it was in my stash, but I’m sure it was also from Mood. If you look closely, you can see that they are two slightly different shades of white, but I am choosing to ignore that. Also, rib is a weird word when you type it over and over. RIB.

Sewing with this fabric wasn’t necessarily difficult, but it did require some finesse because it is SO THICK. Cutting was kind of awful – my scissors are still pretty dull (yup, haven’t gotten them sharpened yet. How long have I been meaning to do this? 2 years?), and they didn’t have the easiest time chopping through all that thickness. It actually hurt my hand to cut through double layers, but also I am a huge baby. I sewed the majority of this on my serger – French Terry sheds like crazy, and serging helps keep that at minimum – and there were a few sections of massively thick layers where I had to coax the handwheel to get things to keep moving. My snaps are set using an industrial snap-setter – again, I have access to this from my old job (in sewing production) – I have NO idea how you’d set snaps in this otherwise! I guess the pattern calls for a lighter fabric, which would certainly be easier to work with. Overall, I wouldn’t say it was hard – it just required being slower and more patient. Which is infinitely easier when you are sewing something way the fuck out of season and know you won’t be able to wear it for months regardless πŸ™‚

Organic French Terry Augusta Hoodie

Organic French Terry Augusta Hoodie

Organic French Terry Augusta Hoodie

Organic French Terry Tracksuit

Organic French Terry Tracksuit

This track jacket reminds me of the stuff we used to wear back in the early 2000s, which I was still super active in the Nashville Hardcore scene. We were ALL ABOUT track jackets and hoodies, which looked real good with our tight jeans and Saucony Jazz shoes πŸ˜‰ I definitely had a baby blue track jacket for years, which I loved everything about except that the fit was just a little boxier than what I wanted. So, here I am reverting back to my 16 year old self. Maybe should buy some Sauconys and relive the memories of the mosh pit or some shit.

Organic French Terry Anima Pants

Organic French Terry Anima Pants

Organic French Terry Anima Pants

Anywayyyy, after I finished the jacket, I realized I had enough French terry left over to make a pair of pants. Sweet! Like I said, this fabric is really thick and cushy, and I figured it would make a nice and warm pair of pants for lounging around the house.

I used the Anima Pants pattern from Papercut Patterns, sewn in a size XXS with about 2″ of length taken off. This was a very easy and straightforward pattern – basically just a knit pant with pockets, cuffs at the hem, and an elastic waistband with a drawstring. I did have minor troubles getting the elastic waistband sewn in – I think mostly due to fabric choice, as again, SO THICK OMG – but it’s fine, just a bit wonky looking. Whatever! For the white ribbing, I used a white cotton interlock knit, also from Organic Cotton Plus, which I so happened to have in my stash (the knits I used on the hoodie didn’t have enough yardage for these pants). It is leftover from these tshirts, btw. I can’t believe that shit was still hanging around my stash, but I ain’t gonna argue with that!

I am quite happy with how the pants fit, as well as how comfy and cozy they are. I am not especially happy to see that I have basically made an unintentional pair of Santa pants, but, it is what it is. I wasn’t planning on wearing these out of the house anyway (sorry, the whole ~athleisure~ trend is another thing I just cannot get behind), so I’m not terribly concerned about it. At least I have the perfect outfit to wear this Christmas.

(Btw, in case you were wondering – I also made my top. It’s a Papercut Patterns SJ Tee, sewn in a lightweight jersey fabric and cropped.

Organic French Terry Anima Pants

Organic French Terry Anima Pants

I should add, another thing I had no intention of doing was actually wearing these two pieces together.

Organic French Terry Tracksuit

Because I definitely look more like a late 90s Puff Daddy in this ensemble HAHA

Organic French Terry Tracksuit

I will let y’all know when my rap album drops, ok? Holler.

**Note: The French terry was given to me by Organic Cotton Plus, in exchange for a review. All rap opportunities are 100% my own.

46 Responses to “Completed: Augusta Hoodie // Anima Pants”

  1. heather August 22, 2016 at 7:47 am #

    love it! you rock! will have to check out the pattern. i agree with the inari p.o.v.’s. i went with the scout pattern when choosing, but have yet to make it… ha! thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

    • LLADYBIRD August 22, 2016 at 10:42 am #

      I LOVE the Scout! Although I reckon you’ve probably guessed that by now πŸ˜‰

  2. Ciara August 22, 2016 at 7:58 am #

    I’m so glad you made this hoodie! I won the pattern in one of the Indie Pattern Month challenges at the Monthly Stitch (well, I won my choice of any Named pattern, & I picked this one because I feel the same as you–their aesthetic is not quite my jam, I’m not seeing the appeal of the Inari dress that everyone loves, & this hoodie jumped out at me as something I’d actually wear & love…those pockets!). I’ve barely found anyone online who has made it, so I appreciate the review. Good tips on fabric weight.

    I still wear my Saucony Jazz shoes almost everyday…& have been doing so for 16 years. I actually felt self-conscious about them for a long time because they struck me as a lot more hipster-y/Makeout Club-dot-com (if anyone besides me is elderly enough to remember that hotbed of dyed black hair & white belts) than actually punk. I just couldn’t do combat boots anymore. I needed better arch support. <— So not punk. I think I have enough terrible stick & poke tattoos to flag punk no matter what shoes I am wearing.

    • LLADYBIRD August 22, 2016 at 10:44 am #

      Yeah, there’s not a lot of reviews of this pattern! Which is weird, cos I think it’s a pretty nice/classic design – and seems to be a trendy style right now as well?

      I retired the Sauconys, but kept the Converse. Although I put arch support in them now, which makes me pretty unpunk hahahaha

    • liz-o-matic August 22, 2016 at 9:25 pm #

      I don’t know man…both y’all sew your own clothes… I’d say that’s pretty punk rock….. although if you’re anything like me they involve a lot less safety pins and patches than they used to πŸ˜‰

      • Ciara August 23, 2016 at 5:24 am #

        A lot less dental floss as thread too.

  3. Judith Malenfant August 22, 2016 at 8:17 am #

    I’ts 57F here in MontrΓ©al, Canada this morning, your hoodie would be great to drink my coffee on the porch πŸ™‚

  4. Indoor Kitty August 22, 2016 at 8:45 am #

    How does this French terry hold up, wash-wise. I love French terry, but all of the RTW FT I have draws up like a MF. I have a new rule for Carter’s brand when I buy Kitten anything French Terry — go up at least two sizes.

    I’d love to have a post about the long term wear of the fabrics you’ve used. I hate sewing something (or even just buying something) only to discover that it shrinks/pills/bags out.

    • LLADYBIRD August 22, 2016 at 10:50 am #

      I haven’t worn it enough to wash- and probably won’t until the weather cools down more. I haven’t had any problems with the terrys I buy pilling or shrinking – and while I don’t have experience with this particular fabric, everything else I’ve ever gotten from OCP has been A+ in terms of holding up and looking gorgeous.

      I probably won’t get around to ever posting about the long term wear of my fabric, to be honest, cos that sounds like a boring post to write haha. I’d rather just share projects here. If there is anything in particular you are curious about, though, you can always ask and I’ll give you my honest answer πŸ™‚

  5. RainDayPerson August 22, 2016 at 9:03 am #

    Omg… when I saw your Santa pants post (Instagram?) It was burned into my eyeballs for days…. I’m with you regarding the athleisure/inari thing. It’s funny that we jump all over patterns as a community (and disregard the aesthetic) – there are so many house dresses and not secret pj’s this year. Disclaimer: I’m not innocent: I turned a bra into a dress by making it very longline thus summer; and last Fall I made an ACTUAL Mrs Claus outfit.

    Thanks for another great post and a good chuckle.

    • LLADYBIRD August 22, 2016 at 10:54 am #

      I am all about dressing comfy – I just think there’s a way to do it without looking like you’re in PJs. Well, me personally. I don’t care what other people wear as it doesn’t affect me whatsoever. I just think the athleisure trend is soooooo silly. Why are you dressing like you just went to the gym with a full face of makeup? What is that all about? Ha

  6. Rose August 22, 2016 at 10:10 am #

    Impressive outfit, Lauren. It would look good with a pair of Saucony Jazz shoes! I finally wore mine out to the point that trash was the only option. Thanks for all your details about sewing. I wonder if I could make this by Christmas. I dunno. Last Christmas we were wearing shorts. What? Rap Album? Don’t tell me that you sing along with all your other talents.

    • LLADYBIRD August 22, 2016 at 10:55 am #

      Hahaha trust me, you do NOT want to hear me sing (or attempt to rap, for that matter). Well, maybe you do. It would make you laugh a lot πŸ™‚ haha

  7. Wrenna August 22, 2016 at 10:29 am #

    You are a delight. That is all.

  8. PsychicKathleen August 22, 2016 at 11:27 am #

    I love french terry too! It’s so nice to wear – warm but breathes too! Love your hoodie. I’ve been eying hoodies lately to make but I’m still a little intimidated to be honest. I would LOVE to have a hoodie that truly fit me in all the right places that isn’t too warm. I’m in Victoria BC Canada so our winters are not that cold but we have hoodie weather most of the year. You would think it’s the uniform out here πŸ™‚

    • LLADYBIRD August 22, 2016 at 3:32 pm #

      Oh, if you can make a tshirt (or a knit anything), you can totally make a hoodie. The only difficult part might be doing the elastic at the bottom – which isn’t even difficult, just can be fiddly if you’re not used to it. But you can always baste it on first, and then you know it’ll look good for when you sew it on for real πŸ™‚ I say go for it! ESPECIALLY if you live in hoodie-uniform-country! πŸ™‚

  9. MadebyMeg August 22, 2016 at 12:26 pm #

    I scrolled through this post to the bottom as quickly as I could, thinking “Please have a shot of them together, please have a shot of them together.” Love these on their own, and so glad you made my day in your Puff Daddy ensemble.

    • LLADYBIRD August 22, 2016 at 3:33 pm #

      hahah OF COURSE!! What is the point of having a Puff Daddy ensemble if you can’t wear the thing around for a little laugh? πŸ™‚

  10. MD August 22, 2016 at 6:12 pm #

    looks great!

  11. Naomi August 22, 2016 at 6:27 pm #

    You can totally wear the full combo – I think you’re owning it. Respect.

    • LLADYBIRD August 24, 2016 at 2:53 pm #

      haha maybe just around the house πŸ˜‰ thank you, though! πŸ˜€

  12. punkrockmartha August 22, 2016 at 9:09 pm #

    oh my god, i still break out my too-small black h&m queen of the scene track jacket sometimes… only now its with leggings, on the couch, on a friday night, with my dogs. and im good with that. love your sweet suit!!

    • LLADYBIRD August 24, 2016 at 2:53 pm #

      Whatever, sounds like my kinda Friday night!! πŸ˜›

  13. liz-o-matic August 22, 2016 at 9:20 pm #

    Love the hoodie and track pants (separately)! Loved even more your facial expression in the second to last shot πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ … although I think you’re rocking more NJ mobster tracksuit πŸ˜‰

    • LLADYBIRD August 24, 2016 at 2:55 pm #

      hahaha yeah, that photo made me laugh so I had to keep it (and share it with the internet, I guess!). I WISH I looked like a mobster! Then maybe people would take my short ass more seriously πŸ˜› haha!

  14. Janice August 22, 2016 at 11:01 pm #

    Super cute! I love the red!

  15. Lynsey August 23, 2016 at 2:01 am #

    Wow, I love your jacket, it’s looks amazing and I want to come and steal it (all the way from England!!) you always seem to choose the best fabrics and in great colours. It looks ace, warm and cosy, loving the white details and no one would notice they are different, your trackie pants fit great, your butt looks fab, why this doesn’t happen when I wear them?? Santa will be visiting you this year so you can be twinsies πŸ™‚ I too cannot get behind the trackie trend, maybe it’s age thing?? Hoodies yes, full trackie hell no!!

    • LLADYBIRD August 24, 2016 at 2:56 pm #

      You just try and steal it from my cold, dead hands! πŸ™‚ ha! And thank you the butt compliment – I will take that!! πŸ˜€

  16. charmingbubble2 August 23, 2016 at 2:04 am #

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for your voice on the Inari dress. Thought I was the only one. Jacket looks ace and I might be on the same plane from England with Lynsey…

    • LLADYBIRD August 24, 2016 at 2:58 pm #

      If you’re gonna come all the way from England to try and steal my jacket, all I ask is that you bring me a suitcase full of Party Rings πŸ™‚ hahahaa!

  17. Lisa Poblenz (patternandbranch) August 23, 2016 at 6:12 am #

    These look super cozy and I like the style. I want to hear sneak peaks from your rap album when you come to Pintuck and Purl I’m October. πŸ˜‰

  18. Regina Roza August 23, 2016 at 6:30 am #

    Holla! Nice job on that track suit and we love our Saucony’s up here in Massachusetts too!!

    • LLADYBIRD August 24, 2016 at 2:59 pm #

      Saucony’s for life! Omg I think I am going to have to buy a pair now…

  19. amaia cor August 25, 2016 at 6:00 am #

    I actually laughed hard a couple of times! I really like the jacket. Now I must go back to work.

  20. esewing August 26, 2016 at 2:58 pm #

    Love the jacket , looks so cosy, summer all too brief over here , will soon be reaching for a cardigan again! Unintentional Santa pants made me smile , you’ll look great whilst your lounging !

  21. Suz (@pretty_florals) August 29, 2016 at 3:39 pm #

    Love the hoodie! Looks so comfy.

    Suz |


  1. 2016: A Year In Review | LLADYBIRD - December 31, 2016

    […] Augusta Hoodie + Anima Pants These two also surprised me. I made the Augusta hoodie with the intention of wearing it around the house for loungewear, but quickly realized the snaps and super thick fabric made it feel more like a lightweight jacket. I ended up wearing it a lot this fall, it’s a great transitional outerwear piece. And those Anima pants are amaaaaazing when it’s super cold outside! They look way too ridiculous to wear outside of my house (seriously, they are straight-up Santa pants), but I love them for lounging on the couch as they are incredibly warm and very very comfortable. And no, since taking those photos – I have not worn those two pieces together haha. […]

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