Fall/Winter 2015 Sewing Plans

18 Sep

Well, I don’t know about where y’all are, but down here the temperatures have slooowly started dropping at night, which means I can finally start planning my fall/winter sewing without feeling like a total lunatic. I love this time of year – the change in seasons is a nice shift from the blistering heat (I feel the same way once spring rolls around, too, for opposite reasons. Change is good!), and, man, I love winter clothes. I love sewing winter clothes! Yay for wooly long sleeves and cozy necklines!

I don’t have a lot in the plans for this season – I want to focus on basic pieces that can be mixed and matched. I like the idea of having a more minimalistic approach to the way I dress – I already do this when I travel, and I’m working on dragging it into my every day life. I recently realized that I don’t really care if people see me wearing the same thing two days in a row. If it bothers then, that’s their problem, not mine. I want to spend my sewing time working on fitting and fine finishes and enjoying the entire process – not rushing to get to the next project. If that means making less as a whole, fine with me!


sway dress
Papercut Patterns Sway Dress

Ah! I made this fun tent dress in a summery linen, but I really would love to make a winter version as well. I have a really nice black boiled wool that I think would suit the pattern nicely. It would be so cozy with black tights and a long sleeved turtleneck.

Emerald Wool Jersey Lady Skater

Kitschy Coo Lady Skater dress

I make this dress every year, and there’s a good reason why – it’s an awesome dress! The scooped neckline with long sleeves and slightly flared skirt is basically my perfect dress. And it’s made for knit fabrics, so it’s super comfy as well. I have a rad star knit from Lillestoff (which I can’t seem to find on the website now, wah) that I want to use for those one. And maybe make another with a cowl neck (like my ikat print Lady Skater from last year). The green one above is made with an emerald wool knit, which is pretty awesome too. Lady Skaters rock!!


guise pants
Papercut Patterns Guise Pants

MAN. Ever since this collection was released, I knew I needed me some of these pants. My friend Carla gave me the pattern as an early birthday gift, so now I have no excuse! I’ve spent most of the summer looking for the perfect black flanneled twill to make these out of, and I think I’ve found it. Cozy black pants will be mineeee!

Ginger Jeans

Closet Case Files Ginger skinny jeans

I can always use more jeans in my wardrobe! The Ginger jeans that I made last year are still going strong and wearing well, but it would be nice to have a few more pairs. I bought one of the denim kits waaaay back when at the beginning of the year, so I am really excited to use that stuff for my next pair!

style 1559 Style 1559

Fuck yeah, there needs to be a 70s-style skirt in my wardrobe! Wouldn’t this be great in denim, with jeans topstitching and cut to a mini length? Wellllll, spoiler alert… I’ve actually already finished the skirt as of this writing (lolz), but it’s part of my ~fall plans~ so I’m including it here anyway dammit 😛


Seriously, though - how cute are the illustrations on these @vvvesta patterns?? 😍✂️😍

Vesta Patterns Grail Tshirt

I always need more long sleeve tshirts! Really excited to try the Grail pattern – this one is drafted based on 3 different body shapes. I have a couple patterns to play with, and I promise to report back once I’ve made them up! Could be a nice staple for winter. And, as always, I have more Renfrews (especially the cowl neck!) and Plantains planned as well. Can’t ever have too many tshirts!

Geneva Raglan

Named Clothing Geneva Raglan Tee

I also want to make some raglans – specifically, the Geneva looks pretty neat! The raglan seam is a bit different than what you typically see on a raglan – I have a similar vintage tshirt that I really like the fit of, so I’m hoping I can knock it off with this. For fabric, I got a bunch of swatches of the awesome merino wools from The Fabric Store – just have to narrow down my selection to something budget-friendly! Those things add up fast! haha!


waver jacket Papercut Patterns Waver Jacket
I have SLOWLY been building up the supplies for this one! I ordered my coating a few months ago – this Dark Navy Aztec Print from Mood Fabrics, plus a matching navy silk charmeuse lining. And, of course, faux fur for the hood because yesssss. I am really excited about this little jacket! I think it’s gonna turn out really cool 🙂

STACIE-JACKET StyleArc Stacie Jean Jacket

I’ve been meaning to replace my sad old Gap jean jacket for YEARS now, but it’s been really hard to find one that I like (or a sewing pattern for one!). I just discovered this pattern, and it’s almost like this shit was made for me. Such a nice design, and all the finished versions I’ve lurked look super legit. This one is probably going to take some extra finesse for me to work through, as the instructions are pretty freaking sparse, but I think I can manage it if I make up a muslin first. For my final jacket, I have a nice piece of denim from Imogene + Willie that I’m hoping I have enough of.

oslo cardigan
Colette Patterns Oslo cardigan

Is this considered a Colette Pattern or a Seamwork Pattern? Either way – cardi! Yay!! I have a couple of fabrics I’d like to make this in – a soft grey/black slubbed double cloth and a cozy mushroom wool sweater knit (purchased from Mood Fabrics, but I can’t find it on their site now!). Perfect for lounging on the couch, or running outside to chase the pig.


carolyn pajamas

Closet Case Files Carolyn Pajamas

Oh yes – more pajamas! I love my linen pair, so of course I need a flannel pair for winter. My mom always buys me flannel pajamas for Christmas, but they never really fit quite right (the crotch is always way too low, or the legs are too long, or something else is wrong). So I’d rather make my own! I haven’t found a good source for cotton flannel fabric – any suggestions? Looking for something that isn’t super cutesy and preferably around $18/yard or less.


Tilly & the Buttons Fifi Camisole

A silk cami seems kind of silly for winter, but hear me out on this one! I always wear tanks under my sweaters – one, so I can strip down layers if I get too hot; and two, because it’s easier to wash a tank rather than a whole sweater. Rather than run to Target and buy some flimsy little knit tanks, though, I’d love to make some slinky bias-cut silk Fifis. Ooh la la!



Graphite Sweater

This is kind of cheating, since I started this sweater at the beginning of the year (yeesh!). It went into UFO status for a few months, but I’m ready to finish it up and get to wearing it! Just need to knit the sleeves and the neck binding, and it will be done!

down east

DownEast Sweater

Then onto a big, squishy, bulky sweater! I already bought the yarn for this one, so there’s no turning back now. Ha!


Whew! Looking at all that seems like a lot – but you know I’m up for the challenge 😀 What about you? What’s on your sewing plate for the upcoming season?


74 Responses to “Fall/Winter 2015 Sewing Plans”

  1. AlabasterShelf September 18, 2015 at 7:46 am #

    I love all of these plans. I’ve been eyeing that navy wool from Mood for a while ever since I saw the Ahwahnee Coat pattern from Wearing History. This wool is a much cheaper alternative to the ever coveted Pendleton wool. My last coat I made was a learning experience and I definitely need a new one for this year. Here I come, Aztec chic! I’m really interested to see how those Guise Pants turn out. That style is not as fitted as I’m comfortable with so I’d really like to see how it looks. Can’t wait!

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:23 pm #

      I love that wool and I agree that it looks a lot like Pendleton wool! Didn’t even think about matching it with the Ahwahnee pattern, but man, that would be one beautiful coat!

  2. rachelo September 18, 2015 at 7:58 am #

    Oooo I like your plans, and I was looking at the downeast sweater yesterday. I’m expecting a baby in December so my winter sewing plans are all a mess! I miss having a waist! And who knows what shape I’ll be by spring :-S So lots of knits for me I think 🙂

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:24 pm #

      Ooh yeah, babies can do that to ya! Yay for knits, anyway! 😀

  3. Geni September 18, 2015 at 8:04 am #

    Hi Lauren,
    Great plans for Fall/Winter sewing. About the Stacie Jean Jacket….I just finished my first one. I must say I L.O.V.E. It!!! I didn’t use the instructions bcuz Style Arc SUCKS at instructions. It was super easy and with your advanced sewing, you’ll wiz right thru. Can’t wait to see all your new clothes.

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:24 pm #

      Oh, that is really reassuring to hear! I just took a look at the instructions and i was like, “bwuh?” hahaha. Hopefully they’ll make a bit more sense when I’m actually working through them 😉

  4. Caitlyn September 18, 2015 at 8:15 am #

    Welp, I now want to sew/knit about half of the things on your list! You’ve got great style, and I often come to your blog to find out how patterns look made up or how you handled particular sewing choices/details. Mostly I just want my fall/winter plans to consist of actual sewing and knitting. I’ve had too many projects this year stall for too long, and my list of completed makes is wimpy. We’re also in the process of buying a house, so that’s eating up a lot of my mental energy these days. But I should end up with plenty of space to spread out my sewing and knitting, so in the balance I’m pretty excited!

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:25 pm #

      Lucky you with the new house and the anticipated bigger space!! That’s so awesome!!

  5. Sandra September 18, 2015 at 8:20 am #

    It is nice to hear that more people join idea “sewing less and enjoy more” I love your winter sewing plans.

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:25 pm #

      Oh yes! After all the sewing that I’ve done over the past few years, I think it’s time to slow it down a little 🙂

  6. Michelle A Rivera September 18, 2015 at 8:38 am #

    Absolutely beautiful. I love watching your style evolve as you do ❤ You've got me lurking the papercut patterns website hardcore now. Can't wait to see what you come up with XO

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:26 pm #

      LOVE Papercut patterns! Everything she does is amazing ♥

  7. Jessica P. September 18, 2015 at 8:42 am #

    I think fall clothing is the best 🙂 Can’t wait to see everything all made up! That coat in particular looks like it’s going to be amazing!! My own fall/winter sewing is going to be challenging, because I’m currently two months pregnant 🙂 It’s going to be a learning curve sewing with constantly changing body measurements,lol!

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:26 pm #

      Well, at least you are going to learn a LOT! You will be a fitting/adjustment pro by the time that pregnancy is over 🙂

  8. gingermakes September 18, 2015 at 9:07 am #

    Fun wardrobe plans! I *just* bought that same wool coating in-store a few days ago… only it was $35/yd in store, what?!

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:27 pm #

      Whaaat!? That’s so weird. OOH DOES THIS MEAN WE WILL HAVE MATCHING COATS? Can we take a matching coat picture? PLEASE?

  9. shoes15 September 18, 2015 at 9:20 am #

    That 70s skirt would be really cute and modern looking with a button-up front.

  10. Nicole September 18, 2015 at 9:36 am #

    Regarding flannel, the Cloud 9 flannel is the nicest quality flannel I have seen or touched. It’s really soft, and it wears well – didn’t shrink after it was sewed up, which is pretty remarkable for flannel. (Of course, I did pre-washing before sewing.) Some of it might be too cutesy for you, but they have solids and some more subdued prints – and the new “first light” line is more grown-up-appropriate.

    I also tried Birch Fabrics’ Charley Harper flannels last year and they were too rough for pajamas. Don’t know if they’re meant for something else (quilt-related maybe?), or if they’re different this year.

    • Made_by_Marg September 18, 2015 at 10:36 pm #

      Interesting, I tried the Birch organics voile and I also found it coarse for a voile!

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:28 pm #

      Thanks for the tip! I’ll have to check out Cloud 9 flannel. I recall hearing really great stuff about their fabric, so it’s good to know that their flannel is equally amazing!

  11. Marie September 18, 2015 at 10:04 am #

    I bought the pattern to make DownEast last fall and then my “bulky” weight yarn ended up being not bulky enough and more like aran weight (sadface). I’m trying hard to keep my yarn stash low but it feels wasteful to have purchased the pattern and not knit it so maybe I’ll have to place a yarn order and finally make it this fall.

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:29 pm #

      Oh, that’s a bummer! I had the same issue with another pattern – yarn wasn’t the right weight. I eventually was able to sub the pattern with a different yarn, and the yarn with a different pattern, so it all worked out in the end. I mean… we can all use TWO sweaters,right? 🙂

  12. justineabbitt September 18, 2015 at 10:12 am #

    I’m making the guise pants, too! I’m hoping to make a quilted leather biker jacket with some lambskin.

  13. Leslie September 18, 2015 at 10:45 am #

    I’m new to your blog, and sewing in general, so you may have already mentioned this before, but I’m curious when you come across a fabric that you really like but you’re not sure yet what you want to do with it how much do you typically buy?

    Love reading your blog! It’s really inspired me and opened my eyes to just how many wardrobe items a person can really make, and make well! My first “clothing” adventure is going to be some flannel pjs for the winter.

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:31 pm #

      Ha! Well, it depends on the size that you are, your length/fit preferences, and how much the fabric costs 😉 For me – 2 yards is a pretty safe bet. I can make most anything with 2 yards. If the fabric is inexpensive enough, I’ll go for 2.5-3 yards, which gives me enough for long sleeves too.

  14. hearthie September 18, 2015 at 10:50 am #

    I’ve gotten flannel from fabricmart for the last couple of years for my jammie wearers. Love it, no pilling. Of course the selection changes madly and randomly – and the best usually shows up in January, but hey. 🙂 You asked!

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:31 pm #

      That’s a good tip, thank you! I’ll have to check them out 🙂

  15. Jen September 18, 2015 at 10:59 am #

    made some FiFis last week – so much fun / swearing at slippy bias cut fabric. definitley worth it though, the finishing is lush! DownEastSweater has been in my Ravelry queue since last year but i went with a different roll neck pattern in the end. i’ve just finished my second Chuck, so maybe this is the inspiration i need to get on it! looking forward to seeing you new wardrobe!

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:32 pm #

      Fifi is really fun to make, isn’t it?! It looks sooo beautifully and luxe when it’s all finished up. And, ah, you’ve got me wanting to make another Chuck! That sweater is so awesome and the cables are so satisfying.

  16. Nakisha September 18, 2015 at 11:21 am #

    Like you I sew A LOT and I sew FAST. And I just scrapped 70% of my fall plans in favor of something much more streamlined and focused. It’s still a lot (to most people, I’m sure!) but I think it’ll take me much closer to where I want my wardrobe to be.

    I really love that Papercut jacket! I don’t own any of their patterns but that is super cute.

    I plan to sew the Gertie nightie and Lakeside PJs. And on your silk camisoles?? Silk is totally delicious while also being nice and warm! So they make sense for winter!

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:32 pm #

      Damn straight! Silk is an awesome insulator. And it’s fancy 😉 hahaha!

  17. Beth September 18, 2015 at 11:23 am #

    So many great patterns and links here — looking forward to seeing these made up! Now to figure out how I’m going to get more of my wips (knitting) AND sew…. Don’t know if it gets cold enough in TN, but I’ve got Folkwear Sewing Pattern’s Siberian Parka in my sights. Love, love, love all those lines!

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:33 pm #

      Oh yeah, that’s probably a bit much for the mild TN winters, but ooh, that looks like a fun coat to make!

  18. beakie48 September 18, 2015 at 11:58 am #

    Lillestoff is Simplifi fabrics on the web. There are also fabrics on ETSY from Lillestoff. I love your blog and have been sewing Style Arc for about a year. The instructions are scant, for sure, but once you start to read them, they are precise. You are way better at sewing than I, so you won’t have any problem, I assure you. I really love their designs!
    Linda L Columbia, SC

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:34 pm #

      Thank you for the encouragement! I think once I start actually sewing up the jacket, the instructions will make a lot more sense 🙂

  19. Sherry September 18, 2015 at 3:23 pm #

    I can’t believe that we live on the other side of the world yet have the same 70’s skirt pattern on our sewing tables! I better get a move on and finish mine. Look forward to seeing yours!

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:34 pm #

      Hahaha that is awesome!! The sewing world is a pretty tiny one 🙂

  20. Amanda September 18, 2015 at 4:05 pm #

    So many great plans ahead! I particularly love the knitting patterns since I’m always looking for warm and cozy (fitted) sweater ideas. Adding these to the queue!

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:34 pm #

      Me too! Warm and cozy sweaters FTW!!

  21. Ines September 18, 2015 at 5:39 pm #

    Great! I see you’ve gotten yourself a complete wardrobe… You even have appropriate attire to chase down pigs! Can’t wait to see your finished Vesta pattern , I checked her website sounds like a cool story. I am curious to see if they fit as well as they say on the site.

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:35 pm #

      Yeah, I’m excited to try the pattern. I have very high hopes for it 🙂 haha

  22. Hoopes Park Studios (@HoopesParkArt) September 18, 2015 at 6:00 pm #

    ooh I like that Down East Sweater. now that I’ve knit a few pairs of socks I’m thinking about branching out into sweaters. That pattern looks like a good place to start.

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:36 pm #

      Oh man, sweaters are FUN! You are going to LOVE knitting sweaters! I love knitting socks, too, but nothing beats pulling on a handknit sweater that you made yourself 😀

  23. Bella September 18, 2015 at 6:10 pm #

    Looking forward to seeing your 70s skirt, I’ve had something like that on my wardrobe radar ever since I saw Man Repeller wearing exactly what you describe. Also keen to see how that denim jacket turns out! I think I could join you on the slowing down thing, it’s been a veritable production line around here lately. Not that you can tell from my neglected blog…

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:36 pm #

      Haha it does seem like a total Man Repeller skirt. Which is probably why I like it so much 😛

  24. chacha September 19, 2015 at 1:28 am #

    I love that other sewing fanatics support our spending habits by sending us notification of new pattern companies. Thanks for that 🙂 Went straight to Vesta’s website and will be placing an order as soon as I finish this comment. You are a champ! Oh, can’t wait to see how your wardrobe comes together…

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:37 pm #

      oh! I want to hear what you think of the pattern when you make it up! 😀

  25. sewbusylizzy September 19, 2015 at 6:18 am #

    I’ve just finished the Fumeterre skirt – and funnily enough been stalking that vintage skirt pattern on eBay!
    I’ve recently made the Guise pants… and have the Isla Trench, Sewaholic Nicola, Inari dress & a few other things planned. Mostly I want to sew maxi skirts! And more Alders… lots of Alders…

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:37 pm #

      Y’all are heading into summer, right? Alders are PERFECT for that!

  26. fabrictragic September 19, 2015 at 6:24 am #

    The geneva is a great pattern. I’ve only made it once but those curves raglan sleeves are so chic. I was really impressed with it.

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:38 pm #

      I am really excited to sew it! I love the curved lines.

  27. Cathrin September 19, 2015 at 9:49 am #

    I love reading your Blog!
    But normally I am behind – and let me inspire by you 😊 and I am thankful to all your tips. I also made myself the Stacie Jean Jacket. I really love the fit. it is easy to sew, but better without the “instructions”. There is a big mistake: the placement of the buttonholes. They should be horizontal, the line drawing (the Schema which also Shows the topstitching) shows them Vertical. If you look at RTW jean jackets, there are all horizontal. I realized it to late & the Jacket looks stupid buttoned up 😕
    Silk camisoles must be great! I made myself several of the easier knit camisoles from sozowhatdoyouknow, it is a free pattern & perfect for Jersey leftovers 😀
    Have fun sewing your fall/winter clothes! Cathrin

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:38 pm #

      Oh, thanks for the head’s up on that! I will keep that in mind when I’m sewing up my jacket. Fortunately, I still have my ratty denim jacket to refer to as well.

  28. Carolyn September 19, 2015 at 10:10 am #

    I recently bought some Robert Kaufman Shetland flannel and really like it so far. It’s about $10/yard and comes in plaids, solids, and a subtle herringbone. It held up well to 2 pre-wash cycles, but since I’m still sewing it up, I can’t say how it will hold up over time. I’m making Carolyn PJs with it, so hopefully they’ll be warm and cozy all winter!

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:38 pm #

      Ahh, I DO like the Robert Kaufman flannel! Totally forgot about that, thanks for reminding me 😀

  29. senjiva September 20, 2015 at 10:54 am #

    PLEASE do share when you make up your new jean jacket. I’m at a loss for finding one that fits both my petite height and my large chest. I’ve been thinking of doing one in thin-wale corduroy. (ok, so i came of age in the 90s)

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:39 pm #

      It’s cool, I would wear a cord jacket too! 🙂 I will report back on the jean jacket once I start making it! Right now, the pattern pieces are assembled and cut out, anddd… that’s about it. Haha!

  30. Margo September 20, 2015 at 2:47 pm #

    Wow! I am so impressed with your list! Especially with the knitting! It would take me years and years to knit just one of those!!

    • LLADYBIRD September 20, 2015 at 3:40 pm #

      The good thing about knitting is that you can do a little bit at a time – and it adds up really fast. Plus, it’s portable! So it doesn’t take as long as you would think (and if you’re using really yummy yarn, it doesn’t matter HOW long it takes because it’s nice the whole way hahaha).

  31. hashigal September 20, 2015 at 7:08 pm #

    This may sound a little left field, but have you considered repurposing an old flannel sheet? I’m not a fan of flannel PJs, but I AM about to rework an old 1000-thread count sheet that’s ripped down the middle but is fine around the edges. And if you used Queen-sized sheets you’ll have epic amounts to work with.

  32. Jenny September 20, 2015 at 9:04 pm #

    Wow, what a lot of great plans. I have to say change of season always feels a little overwhelming to me, theres so many thing I want to make and it seems like so little time. Anyway I can’t wait to see all of these plans come to fruition.

  33. Sandra September 21, 2015 at 4:13 am #

    Great plans !
    I totally agree with you about stop rushing into many patterns. I have a list, a little list, where I put the patterns that I find almost “perfect” and that match with my wardrobe and lifestyle. Of course, Gingers are in ! And I don’t look at other jeans pants, I’m focused on the perfect fit. I’m still looking for shorts pattern (maybe Maritime ?)
    I’ve planned Guise pants too ! I found a beautiful “faux” jeans, a twill cotton fabric, very smooth. I totally fell in love with Sew Busy Lizzy’s Guise.
    I also want a lumberjack shirt, a bit oversized (Alder with ease ?)
    Happy sewing !!

  34. Freja September 21, 2015 at 9:18 am #

    I love that Waver Jacket pattern!
    I should make a list as well, at the moment I have so many ideas but absolutely don’t know where to start.

    Alles Liebe, Freja.

  35. Pandora Sews September 21, 2015 at 10:54 am #

    I guess I am the only weirdo around that likes the sparseness of the Style Arc instructions. These are great sewing plans! I love raglans, and it looks like the Geneva will be pretty awesome.

  36. dinara September 21, 2015 at 11:12 am #

    Just bought a Geneva reglan too. I love their shape of curves. Great plan by the way. I am planning to make a lot of jeans, as my are so ooold.

  37. aem2 September 22, 2015 at 8:18 am #

    That Stacie jean jacket looks perfect! I can’t wait to see it.

  38. Kayla Green September 23, 2015 at 7:46 am #

    Wow you are so organized! Autumn just started (or lurking close) and you already have all these amazing pieces all planned out. I think I need to go to my drawing board and come up with my own autumn/winter sewing plans.


  1. Completed: The 70s Denim Skirt | LLADYBIRD - September 22, 2015

    […] make of my F/W sewing plans is done and ready to wear! Before you think my sewing speed reaches world-record status (I mean, […]

  2. Completed: The 70s Denim Skirt All in one DIY & Fun | All in one DIY & Fun - October 12, 2015

    […] make of my F/W sewing plans is done and ready to wear! Before you think my sewing speed reaches world-record status (I mean, […]

  3. Fall/Winter 2015 Sewing Plans All in one DIY & Fun | All in one DIY & Fun - October 12, 2015

    […] LLADYBIRD […]

  4. Completed: Crazy Aztec Waver Jacket | LLADYBIRD - October 28, 2015

    […] I mentioned in my Fall/Winter sewing plans, I’ve been collecting all the bits and pieces to make this jacket for a couple of months now […]

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