Completed: The Soma Swimsuit, V2

6 Jun

I’m back again with my second Soma Swimsuit!

Soma Swimsuit - v2

Aaaaaand, omg you guys, this is my favorite of the two. Definitely my favorite out of all the swimsuits I’ve made, possibly my favorite swimsuit EVER. Seriously! I really really love it!

Soma Swimsuit - v2

Cheeky butt and all 😉

Soma Swimsuit - v2

For version 2, I decided to up the ante and try it in a cool striped fabric – I’ve had this striped swimsuit fabric since 2013; I bought it at Spandex House (or World?) in NYC, along with a nude lining. I’ve always wanted a navy and white striped bikini, and I could not have found a better pattern to make this fabric up in. Although, I still have more that I could potentially make more bikinis with – a yard of swimsuit fabric goes a LONG way. Forreal, I had to recut the bodice on this swimsuit after an error in construction, and I still have sooo much left over. Yay for swimsuits!

Soma Swimsuit - v2

There are tons of ways you could play with the stripes on these pattern pieces – I drew out a few croquis and sketched some stripe variations, which led me to decide that horizontal stripes with a vertical center looked the best (to me, anyway). I also think it would be cool to cut the triangle out of a solid fabric – possibly even the bottoms be solid as well – but I didn’t have any solid navy, so I went with full stripes.

Also, the stripes give my boobs x-ray eyes, which is kinda cool in and of itself.

Soma Swimsuit - v2

Soma Swimsuit - v2

I’m very pleased with how the stripes match up on the sides! To get a good match, I cut the bottoms on one layer (they’re supposed to be on the fold, which means you will need to retrace your pattern pieces so they are a full piece) and cut all the pieces for the cups before cutting the back band. After I assembled the entire front of the swimsuit, I then used the stripes as a guide for cutting the back band, to ensure that everything matched up.

Soma Swimsuit - v2

While my first Soma was sewn entirely by following the directions, I did intentionally veer a little off course with this one. The pattern has you use plain elastic to construct both the top and the bottom – it is folded over and topstitched down, so it is essentially hidden once you put the suit on. I had this cool decorative elastic that I’ve been hoarding since 2013 (bought it on the same trip, from Pacific Trimming), and I was DETERMINED to use it. Katie suggested that I sew the elastic to the right side with the decorative edge facing down (i.e., the straight edge is matched with the raw edge of the suit), and then flip everything to the inside so the decorative edge peeks out and topstitch down. That’s exactly what I did, and I think it worked out quite nicely if I do say so myself!

Soma Swimsuit - v2

I did this for both the top and the bottoms.

Soma Swimsuit - v2

Another thing I wanted to add to the swimsuit was bra cups – as I’ve said before, I’m not a fan of the beach nip. While this suit is lined, one layer just doesn’t cut it for me, so I experimented with my options. My first suit did attempt bra cups, but it ended up a fail. I’m sure there’s a way to get them in there, but you’d have to change the order of construction – this suit is sewn so the lining and swim fabric are attached at the center bust seam, which means you can’t exactly cram a bra cup in there. After some thought and lurking those torn-up swimsuits, I threw out the failed bodice and started over. Ultimately, I decided to just cut multiple layers of lining for the bra cups and use that as a sort of padding – I think there are a total of 4 layers of lining on the bra cups (3 for padding, one for the outer layer), plus the actual swimsuit fabric. By doing this, I was able to follow the instructions as written, I just had a little more bulk to deal with 🙂 Trimming the bulk down and then topstitching made everything lie nice and smooth. And yes, in case you’re curious – the padding did pay off! Woohoo!

Soma Swimsuit - v2

Soma Swimsuit - v2

Again, for sizing, I went with the XXS. I’m actually surprised at how well this fits my ribcage – my underbust is 28″, so stuff tends to be waaaay too big right there. This swimsuit has a nice, snug fit, which helps keep it in place while you’re swimming. I did pull my elastic a bit more taut than instructed in the pattern – I don’t want any gaping on the beach, thankyouverymuch – but as far as adjusting the circumference of the longline, I didn’t have to do anything. Also, fyi, as per the last swimsuit – this was sewn almost entirely on my sewing machine. Wooho!!

Here are some close-ups!

Soma Swimsuit, v2

A couple things I will mention if you plan on making this with decorative elastic: for one, definitely trim those seam allowances before you attach it. The hidden elastic that the the instructions call for is fine for the 3/8″ seam allowance, but decorative elastic needs a much smaller seam allowance (I think this is 1/4″), which means you get overhang if you don’t trim. I figured this out after making the bottoms, which you can see the excess (I did catch it and remember to trim for the top, which you can see a couple pictures down). Not a big deal, but definitely worth mentioning.

Soma Swimsuit, v2

Also, see where the elastic is broken at the leg? It’s actually not broken – it connects in a full circle – but it sure looks like it. I should have cut the elastic to include a full repeat of the decorative part, and then overlapped by at least one scallop just to ensure that there are no broken parts. Oh well! Learn from my mistakes, guys.

Soma Swimsuit, v2

Like the first suit, this one also calls for bra strapping for the straps. Since I didn’t have any on hand (this was before I discovered the white at Joann, which still would not have worked for this particular project), I improvised by using plain elastic and topstitching my decorative elastic right on top. I used two rows of straight stitching since they don’t need to stretch that much.

Soma Swimsuit, v2

I did change one small order of construction when doing the bodice – the way the pattern is written has an exposed edge at the center triangle. I figured out how to burrito roll the fabric (similar to how one attaches a yoke to a button-down, with all seams hidden) so all my seams are enclosed. It was a little finicky but it certainly paid off! I haven’t seen the updated instructions on this pattern yet, so I’m not sure if it’s been changed to reflect that technique (it was part of my feedback when I tested the pattern, but the process can be a little tricky to explain so I’m not sure if Katie included it or not, in an effort to keep the construction very simple), but just know that it *can* be done if you don’t want exposed seams in your suit!

Also, oops, probably should have caught the raw edge at the top of the triangle when I was topstitching down OH WELL.

Soma Swimsuit, v2

As far as support goes – again, I can’t really vouch for it personally, but I will say that this version of the suit has a lot more options if you need a little boost. You could experiment with adding swimwear cups (I feel like even just sewing the bodice cups separately and slipping a swimsuit cup between the fabric and lining would probably work… don’t try to attach it to the lining, though, that’s where I went wrong!) to the bra, boning to the side seams, and potentially even underwire. As it stands for just a fabric+lining+elastic top, though, it’s supportive enough.

Again, these photos were taken before the swimsuit ever saw water, but I managed to wear it twice on my vacation, and it performs just as well as the black one. It may even be a little more secure, since you’re less likely to have a bathing suit malfunction due to the design.

I definitely plan on making this version again – I have plans for this bustier top with the high-waisted bottoms, in some cute lemon/flower swimsuit fabric. I almost made it up during the testing – but then realized I should probably take this striped one out for a spin so I can address any fit adjustments if needed. The suit does not need fit adjustments, btw, but on the next one I will pull the elastic a little tighter around the top edge of the top. It’s not quite as tight as it’s like it.

Also, I think this would make a really cut bralette. Ooh!

Soma Swimsuit - v2

So, who’s convinced they should take the plunge into sewing swimwear? Seriously, guys – it’s really fun, it’s fast (and gratifying!), and once you realize just how little it costs to make a swimsuit, you’ll be side-eyeing the $80 ones at the mall for the rest of summer. Don’t think you have it in you to make a bathing suit? Ladies. If you can sew a tshirt, you can sew a swimsuit. Promise.

80 Responses to “Completed: The Soma Swimsuit, V2”

  1. charityshopchic June 6, 2014 at 7:13 am #

    AHAHAHA love the faces!!!!
    You look so hot in this…. You’re rocking the hell out of everything as usual.

  2. powell2317 June 6, 2014 at 7:40 am #

    Looks amazing! The stripey fabric looks awesome & the decorative trim goes with it perfectly.

  3. Johanna Imhoff June 6, 2014 at 7:49 am #

    Another great suit. The stripe effect came out awesome. Bathing suits are definitely in my future. I need the summer to go more slowly, though! No time!

    • LLADYBIRD June 6, 2014 at 4:18 pm #

      I know what you mean! Time is flying toooo fast! On the flip side – you’d be amazed at how quickly these sew up. Like, 2 hours later, you have an awesome swimsuit haha. JUST IN TIME FOR THE POOL!

  4. artgirlrachel June 6, 2014 at 7:54 am #

    I love the yellow trim, too! I like how you solved he cup problem with just more layers of lining fabric. I’m making suit this year and I also prefer cups, but maybe this method would work just as well for me, too!

  5. Helen June 6, 2014 at 8:01 am #

    I love this. The layout of the stripes and the contrasting yellow elastic are just perfect! Want!

    I don’t see any closures on the top though. Does it just pull over your head?

    • LLADYBIRD June 6, 2014 at 8:02 am #

      Correct, it doesn’t have any closures – you just wriggle it over your head 🙂

  6. sallie June 6, 2014 at 8:25 am #

    THIS!!! This is my FAVORITE! Thank you soooo much for the detailed post with all the construction tidbits – because I’m DEFINITELY going to make this! I was wondering about swim cups with this suit and was thinking of buying 1/8″ thick foam (basically the same stuff that swim cups are made out of) and cutting the cup pieces out of those and sandwiching it in between the outer fabric and lining – what do you think? If I could figure out how to make underwires work I might just go with that and your double lining method – but it looks tricky…? ANYWAY! Just thinking out loud here – but I LOVE LOVE LOVE this suit!! Can’t wait for my Girl Charlee shipment to arrive so I can get crackin’ on my own! And you look so hawt (obvs) in this, that you have me feeling a bit delusional that I’ll look as good!

    • LLADYBIRD June 6, 2014 at 4:20 pm #

      Pleaseee make it!! Make both!! You are gonna rock the hell out of your swimsuits, i can’t wait to see them!!

      I’m interested to know how the foam cups work. I would have loved to try them, but due to the time restraints for testing, I had to go with what I had. But I think it would work, as long as you changed up the order of construction to accommodate.

  7. Meigan June 6, 2014 at 8:42 am #

    Fabulous job. The stripes on the top are brilliant!

  8. Kim June 6, 2014 at 8:48 am #

    Wow! You look smokin hot 😉 Gorgeous bikini! I love the pop of colour from the elastic, really fun too! Good idea for the top as a bralette, I might steal your idea and make a Burning Man top out of some glitter spandex.

    • LLADYBIRD June 6, 2014 at 4:21 pm #

      If you do that, I want to see. Because it sounds amaaaazing!

  9. thenerdyseamstress June 6, 2014 at 8:49 am #

    Oh my god! You look amazing! I love this one more too! I am tempted to just make an exact copy for myself, but I’m hardly ever at the beach or pool. Sad isn’t it?

    • LLADYBIRD June 6, 2014 at 4:21 pm #

      Not sad at all – neither am i! Copy away! Making swimwear is so gratifying haha 🙂

  10. Jenny Rushmore June 6, 2014 at 8:51 am #


  11. Carlotta Stermaria June 6, 2014 at 8:58 am #

    Wow, this looks so nice and easy and tempting to make, so I could be the best-dressed girl in my aqua aerobic class (although, what would be the point? it’s just me and old ladies)!! I’d love to see it in two colors on the top, but I also think it would look good with some creative piecing of the high-waisted bottom, to have the two-colors scheme on the whole ensemble. Oh, and a matching swimming cap (hem, sorry, that’s just me).

    Congratulations! I’m still very afraid of knits, so it actually looks like a big, big achievement to me!

    • Jennifer R June 6, 2014 at 9:13 am #

      It’s just gorgeous I love what you’ve come up with for the stripes and I hadn’t even noticed the yellow trim in the previous pics. The borrito method definitely wasn’t added to the instructions (at least when I ordered) but I immediately knew that’s what I wanted to try. I also changed the way the panels are constructed. I think the instructions are clever but I didn’t want the stack of seam allowances. Instead by sections I constructed the lining and shell separately, I topstitched seam allowances folded up on the lining pieces and then topstitched them folded down on the shell through all layers. My initial thought was mine would be a muslin with a goal of figuring out how to add an underwire. But I was quite astonished by how much support and shaping the corset seaming provides. I lined with essentially a swim lycra so the double up provided enough coverage. I definitely see making this again and would make a couple tweaks. I think the high bottoms would look nice if there were some sort of front seaming detailing echoing the top e.g. this suit:

      • LLADYBIRD June 6, 2014 at 4:24 pm #

        Oh, that is pretty! Love those bottoms!!

    • LLADYBIRD June 6, 2014 at 4:23 pm #

      What’s the point?? The same point there is for wearing cute workout clothes when you’re running solo… or dressing up to work from home. Maybe no one will see it, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still feel good about the way you look 🙂 You could even consider it an opportunity to go all-out ridiculous because… why not? 🙂 And DEFINITELY yes on the matching swimming cap!

  12. eggrah01 June 6, 2014 at 9:06 am #

    Cute! I love the little peak of yellow you get with the picot elastic.

  13. serrin June 6, 2014 at 9:20 am #

    hah, just writing to say i totally adore you. thank you for being my sewspiration!

  14. Kelly June 6, 2014 at 9:57 am #

    Amazing! The stripes and little bit of yellow can’t be improved upon. Stunning!

  15. Trice June 6, 2014 at 10:00 am #

    This is super cute and I love the little details. Tho, you probably would not have had time to get it for the testing, but there is foam fabric that would have work great. You would make it like a bra.

    Let me know if you need anymore black bra straps, I have a ton.

    • LLADYBIRD June 6, 2014 at 4:25 pm #

      I’m totally trying that foam fabric next time, it sounds so intriguing! I love experimenting with my projects haha.

      May have to take you up on that offer for straps… they’re so hard to find here!

  16. Doga June 6, 2014 at 10:23 am #

    Thank you for the detailed post and the encouragement. I recently got the bombshell pattern through Pattern Parcel. I’m so intimidated by any fabric that’s not woven , never did anything with knits but this post along with other bombshell posts on the blogs got me thinking maybe I can. Thank you again and you look awesome.

  17. Katie Lynn June 6, 2014 at 10:48 am #

    I have been kind of obsessed with this top since I first saw it here. I love everything about it! I am now seriously considering making my own swimsuit. This year I wanted high waisted bottoms, but all of them are a bit too low. I want juuuuust under my belly button. Can’t find the right pair for the life of me. I have a pair from last year that come up to my bra line, which I wore rolled under (they’re black, you can’t see that’s what I did to them), but I really want something in between that and a regular bikini. This is giving me hope! Can’t wait to see what you do with your planned high waisted suit!

  18. redknitter June 6, 2014 at 10:59 am #

    I love this so so much!!! I’m planning to make a swimsuit for my next vacation (I only wear them on vacation and in my parents’ hot tub, and the hot tub doesn’t call for anything special), and I may use one of the tops from this pattern and a boyshort bottom because I don’t love wearing bikinis. Thanks for the inspiration!

  19. Tasha @ By Gum, By Golly June 6, 2014 at 11:05 am #

    Okay I will straight up say that I have no desire to sew a bathing suit. I rarely go anywhere beachy and I have like 3 suits that look brand new because I rarely need them, so the desire just is not there. (Although that being said, I’m now super intrigued at the idea if there’s anyway to take the top and use a woven fabric and some shirring or buttons in the back for a little retro bra top. Hmm!)

    That all being said, it doesn’t take away from the fact that I absolutely LOVE this suit on you! Hot damn. I love that you chose stripes and trimmed it with that yellow elastic (perfect touch) and the fit is spot on. So, so much awesome!

    • LLADYBIRD June 6, 2014 at 4:26 pm #

      I never really go beach/poolside either, but i loooove making swimsuits. I dunno, they’re just fun! Maybe I should channel that energy into making underwear and bras haha… it’s sort of the same concept, yeah?

      I think the pattern would make a super cute retro bra top! I want to make one in a knit, with a proper back closure, but if you do a woven I am very curious to see how it turns out!

  20. Rox Guillemette June 6, 2014 at 11:10 am #

    Perfection. Dang it, now I want one!

  21. Nancy Bymers June 6, 2014 at 11:44 am #

    Hi, don’t know how you feel about links for sites here in the comments, but I wanted to share this lady’s site with lots of fold over elastic. I didn’t know what it was used for when I saw it on there the other night.

    She’s in southeastern OK, and the trims I’ve ordered from her have far exceeded my expectations.

    And to parrot others . . . what you did with the stripes is AMAZEBALLS! (is that still an expression?)

    • Chris June 6, 2014 at 2:41 pm #

      Nancy, I think amazeballs is just the word! Totes amazeballs!

    • LLADYBIRD June 6, 2014 at 4:28 pm #

      Oh, no worries – I love links in the comments (as long as they’re not spammy, which this isn’t haha). Always finding cool new sites and blogs and notion shops that way, so thank you! I’ll definitely check this out 🙂

      And yaaaay amazeballs!! Love it!

  22. Carolyn June 6, 2014 at 12:10 pm #

    I love the decorative elastic that you chose for this one but the black one is the one for me! Both are special – just think the black is extra special! Is there anything you can’t sew?! 🙂

  23. Miss Celie June 6, 2014 at 12:21 pm #

    So, I’m now thinking this could work well for busyy women because of the bra stapping (use wider) and the support from the snug band. Add some bra cups and it should be fine. Leave them out and it’s likely a sports bra 🙂 SUPER cute.

    • Jennifer R June 7, 2014 at 8:44 am #

      I was expecting this to fit like a sports bra but even just made up in lycra it has a some nice shaping. I’m not all that busty but all lycra suits usually either mean mono-boog or pushed toward the side seams in an unflattering way. I was making this up initially just to gauge how to add more support but in my case it wasn’t necessary. I’m sure there’s a way to add bra cups or an underwire. But as designed, it’s stitched through all layers and the seam lines extend to the side seam. So the cup might align with the center panel seams and part of the underbust seam.

  24. Stephanie | June 6, 2014 at 12:54 pm #

    Wow I think I like this even more than the black version. You’re seriously rockin’ it in these pics too. I need to get this pattern!!

  25. SeeKatSew June 6, 2014 at 1:14 pm #

    I am serious – this bikini is my favorite ever. I love it. Seriously love it.

  26. Grace June 6, 2014 at 1:22 pm #

    Thank you for sharing! I went over and bought the download because the designs (all three versions) are so cute (great value for one pattern) and your notes are super helpful.

  27. julie d. June 6, 2014 at 1:26 pm #

    i wanted to make this suit (in all the versions!) from the first time i saw it posted on their website, but your version really seals the deal for me. SO CUTE!!!

  28. Jane June 6, 2014 at 3:04 pm #

    The ginger swimsuit by oh lulu has a similar bra style and a good method for inserting the bra cups (you sew them in place to the inside of the lining fabric. It worked pretty easily and keeps everything in the right place. Your swimsuit (or togs as we can them) are great, I can’t wait for summer.

    • LLADYBIRD June 6, 2014 at 4:29 pm #

      I’ve been dying to try her patterns but I haven’t gotten around to buying them (so much going in and out of my sewing room – and also my head, these days, hahaha). That is good to know – sometimes I like to buy patterns strictly for the instructions, so I’ll keep her stuff in mind 🙂 Thank you!

  29. dietcouture June 6, 2014 at 3:53 pm #

    Let me just add a swimsuit (or two or four) to my rapidly growing to-do list 🙂 Although I do really want (need!!) to make some underwear and I think this bottom would make really cute underwear!!!

    • LLADYBIRD June 6, 2014 at 4:30 pm #

      I’ve considered making the bottoms into underwear. They are REALLY comfortable – and you’re right, super cute! Love the cheeky bit hehe 🙂

  30. Kat H June 6, 2014 at 4:51 pm #

    Ah, so cute! I’ve been waiting to see the bustier style top made up. I really wanted to make that one, but only had red-and-white fabric and couldn’t find any bra strapping aside from black, so the triangle option got made instead. I am totally making up this top too, though! It’s fabulous! 😀

    (Oh, and one of the first things I thought when I made the bottoms was how perfect they’d be for underwear. Make a crop top out of the Pneuma tank to match – underwear set for us smaller-busted girls, yay! 😉

    • LLADYBIRD June 8, 2014 at 10:38 am #

      Omg yes! Adorable and comfy summer pjs!

  31. Kirsty June 6, 2014 at 5:14 pm #

    Wow what a gorgeous swimsuit. Thanks for the tips on the bra cups. I agree – nothing worse than beach nip!

  32. laulipopnz June 6, 2014 at 6:21 pm #

    Oh wow! I love it! so nautical and cute!
    with all the cute versions I have been seeing of this pattern I definitely need to add it to my make list!!!

  33. Lucy June 6, 2014 at 9:12 pm #

    Wow, I’m tempted! (Winter? So what?!)

    My Bombshell remains a UFO, thanks to me being unsure of which size to choose for the top half (I knew I’d have to grade out the waist and hips) and making the wrong choice 😦 It’s all baggy round the top, despite my stretching the elastic for all it’s worth, so I’m going to need to somehow take it in at the sides. I am larger of boob and smaller of body, and I think I chose based on the boob. Oh well!

    I like what you’ve done with the stripes. I also like the fact that there’s a decent amount of coverage, something you don’t always see with two-piece swimwear. Nicely done.

  34. Bellbird June 7, 2014 at 5:02 am #

    Thanks for posting this, ever since I saw your picture of it on the beach on instagram I’ve been dying to hear about it! I have some fabric lined up… Haven’t bought the pattern yet but I have a feeling I will soon. Also, thanks for posting such detailed pictures along with your construction techniques! So helpful.

  35. Urbanite June 7, 2014 at 6:41 am #

    Steal this look! both V1 and V2 are just stinkin’ cute.

  36. Phyllis June 7, 2014 at 6:49 am #

    Very adorable swimsuit….just want to mention too that it’s good you used that elastic trim asap because it actually does deteriorate. Not sure why that is but 4-5 years seems to the shelf life. I don’t stash it anymore for just that reason.

    • LLADYBIRD June 8, 2014 at 10:38 am #

      OOOH, that is good to know! Better plan on using up my elastic trim asap- I can always buy more 🙂

  37. black label June 7, 2014 at 7:47 am #

    So cute, love the stripes – love the trim even more. Great tips too for that ‘one day’ i decide to give swimwear a bash.

  38. mirza June 7, 2014 at 10:47 am #

    I really really REALLY need to find some striped swimwear fabric… yours is absolutely fabulous! damn. you always come up with the best fabric combinations. I might consider moving to the US just to get access to all your cool fabric stores 🙂
    I just love the striped boob effect – does that just happen, or do you have to place the pattern pieces at a specific angle? I also love the decorative elastic, the pop of color looks really good. But I do have a question, do you think it would hold up fine if being worn (and swam in) often?
    And, I totally agree with you, sewing swimwear is awesome.

    • LLADYBIRD June 8, 2014 at 10:40 am #

      I got my stripey fabric from Spandex House! I know you can order online and I bet they still have it – might be worth a look! 🙂

      The stripes effect was just a stroke of good luck! I followed the cutting guidelines for the cups (and turned the middle panel for ~visual interest~) and I just love how it turned out 🙂 Oh, and my fabric + elastic is all swimwear-quality, so it BETTER hold up to wearing/swimming haha! So far, so good 🙂

  39. Sarah AJ June 7, 2014 at 1:15 pm #

    I love absolutely everything thing about this suit.

  40. JuliaBobbin (@JuliaBobbin) June 7, 2014 at 9:37 pm #

    Seriously, your MINX-ness is OFF THE CHARTS! I absolutely LOVE this!

  41. discodots June 8, 2014 at 7:10 am #

    Hands down the funkiest swimsuit I’ve see this year, great job!

  42. Sewing Princess June 8, 2014 at 1:33 pm #

    Really cute! What settings did you use on the zig-zag topstitching?

    • LLADYBIRD June 9, 2014 at 6:49 am #

      i just used the one-step zigzag that is standard for my machine. Didn’t change any settings 🙂

  43. Coryanne June 8, 2014 at 11:04 pm #

    Love the stripes! I use the picot elastic a lot for undies and it ALWAYS unravels or frays in the wash no matter how carefully I cut it, unless i “melt” the edges with a match or lighter. Swim suits probably get washed less than undies but I thought I’d share the tip 🙂

    • LLADYBIRD June 9, 2014 at 6:49 am #

      Ooh, that’s a good tip, thanks for sharing! Will definitely try that next time 🙂

  44. Sew Confident June 9, 2014 at 9:18 am #

    “Beach nip” haha! Totally with you on that one, and I have no boobs so end up looking like a little boy on the beach without cups. Love the navy and yellow combo!

  45. oonaballoona June 9, 2014 at 10:38 pm #

    cheeky butt! x ray eyes! yella trim! your boobs are hypnotizing!!!

  46. Birgit June 11, 2014 at 8:52 am #

    Ohh I love it!! You look fab!

  47. sarahsewlove June 17, 2014 at 5:35 am #

    Just catching up here..this is amaze. I love also to see a local kiwi brand being sewn up over on the other side of the world. yay for papercut represent!

  48. Julia August 14, 2014 at 1:01 pm #

    This looks so great! How wide are the stripes on your fabric?

    • LLADYBIRD August 18, 2014 at 7:11 am #

      They are pretty narrow… maybe 1/4″? 3/8″? I don’t even think they’re quite 1/2″ (I’d measure for ya, but I’m on the opposite side of the continent right now and don’t have it with me.. sorry!). Definitely narrow, though!


  1. Papercut Soma Swimsuits | Oh, She Dabbles - June 21, 2014

    […] at swimwear and the pattern was awesome! I haven’t seen any other than Lauren’s (here and here) around yet so I thought it might be helpful to those who are considering the […]

  2. Swimsuit Sewing Tips from Seamstress Erin | Sew Mama Sew | - July 1, 2014

    […] of Lladybird in Papercut Soma […]

  3. Soma bikini, kinda wearable muslin | A Bouquet of Buttons - July 21, 2014

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  4. Starting My Bra-Making Adventure! | LLADYBIRD - October 2, 2014

    […] to wear was very off-putting. However, I have made a couple bikini tops at this point (see one and two), and I didn’t find either of those processes traumatizing at all. So I decided to start with […]

  5. Completed: Travel Gear (aka I am a weirdo) | LLADYBIRD - October 24, 2014

    […] thin piece and fed it though. The elastic is actually lingerie elastic – from when I made my second Soma Swimsuit. Again, it matched! What do you expect from […]

  6. The State of Things | Pattern and Branch - February 20, 2015

    […] of Lladybird posted her awesome take on the bikini versions (see version 1 and version 2).  She also solves the problem of, um, modesty issues if you don’t have bra cups or swimsuit […]

  7. Soma Swimsuit Test: Bikini Top Variation Two | Pattern and Branch - March 13, 2015

    […] followed the directions, but used Lauren’s idea to prevent any, um, textural show-through in the front.  She used about four layers of lining and […]

  8. A tale of two swimsuits | Me Made Makes - August 2, 2015

    […] my first attempt at Soma, I made bikini top variation two with the mid-rise bottoms, inspired by Lladybird’s fantastic stripped version. I followed the directions to a T, as this was my first ever attempt at making a swimsuit. The […]

  9. 2015: A Year in Unblogged Review | LyllosMig - January 10, 2016

    […] version of the Soma bikini before, shown here. This version was definitely inspired by Lladybirds version although I arranged my stripes a bit different. I made the high waisted bikini bottoms which I […]

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