Completed: White Tshirts. Yes, Tshirts.

1 Feb

At the risk of really beating this dead horse to the ground- I like making solid, every day basics. Boring shit like plain pants, tshirts, solid knit dresses, and I’ve got my eye on making underwear as well. I mean, making a bunch of party dresses is super fun, don’t get me wrong – but there are only so many frilly/froofy dresses I can fill my closet with before I start pulling my hair out on Saturday morning whining that I don’t have anything to weeeear. And I, too, have read Overdressed, which basically punched me in the face the same way that Fast Food Nation punched the rest of the world in the stomach. I can’t even walk in the mall anymore now without yelling about polyester and stitch lengths. It’s insane and no one wants to go shopping with me these days… not that I do much “shopping” as it is.

So, I’m ok with sewing my own basics. I like that I make a tshirt for roughly the same cost as something from the mall, except I can control the fit as I like it and I also know the hem stitches aren’t going to fall out the first time I throw it in the wash. Maybe making tshirts is simple and the exact opposite of exciting, but sometimes I’m having a bad day and I just want to make something without thinking to much about it – and for me, that perfect something is the tshirt. Some people bake when they’re in a bad mood. I make tshirts.

A couple of weeks ago, I was contacted by Organic Cotton Plus and asked if I would like to sample some of their organic fabrics. Yeah! I chose the white interlock knit and set to work making some basics. In organic because, yeah, I be fancy.

Organic Renfrew- V-Neck
I used my beloved Renfew pattern and made two tops. Here’s the v-neck -probably could have stood to make that v a little more, uh, v-like, but it ain’t too bad for a first attempt. The secret, I’ve learned, is to sew the neck band on a regular sewing machine first, and then serge the edges after. Otherwise, the blades of the serger will chop a big ol’ hole in the middle of your tshirt when you try to pivot (and disabling the blades just makes a huge mess, oh god). I know this because I actually tried to do the v-neck version several months ago, and it failed. Also, I realize I just lied to y’all about this being a first attempt. I’m sorry, I’ll never lie to you again~.

Organic Renfrew- V-Neck
I made no changes to the pattern (other than my initial fitting changes), except I did not add the hem band. I just hemmed the bottom with a double needle and used my walking foot.

Organic Renfrew- V-Neck

Organic Renfrew- V-Neck

Organic Renfrew - Scoop Neck
I also made a scoop neck!

Organic Renfrew - Scoop Neck
Making tshirts is FUN!

Organic Renfrew - Scoop Neck
I actually really really love this fabric. It is the *perfect* weight for a basic Renfrew – super soft, a bit of stretch (but not all slinky like jersey – which I love, but there is a time and a place for slinky jersey) with a good hefty weight. Even though it’s white, it’s actually quite opaque – the scoop-neck top has neon yellow twill tape on the shoulders. Can you see it? NOPE. I’m pretty sure I could get away with wearing a neon bra under these and on one would be the wiser.

Organic Renfrew
Plus, the fabric is less than $9 a yard. So yes, a teeny bit more expensive than F21 – but it’s also light years nicer, as well as ethically-sourced. Which I’m totally willing to pay extra for.

Organic Renfrew

Organic Renfrew

Organic Renfrew

And while we’re on the subject of paying extra for ethical fashion… didja see my new jeans?

Imogene Stretch
Before you get all excited and start freaking out, I didn’t make these. As much as I wish I was a jean-making-master like Taylor Tailor, I can’t make a good pair of jeans to save my life. I don’t even think it’s a matter of fit anymore – I just don’t like the denim that is currently available. As much as I love love love my Thurlow jeans, I rarely wear them because the fabric just sucks. They stretch out so much over the course of the day, they are huge and baggy by the time I take them off – and I’ve sized them down twice now. Ugh. So I give up. Jeans, you win. I will buy you from now on.

Imogene Stretch
So here’s the deal – like, I dunno, every single woman I know, standard jeans just don’t fit me right. They are too big in the waist, too tight in the thighs, and the length is always much too long (and I’m too lazy to hem my own jeans, let’s be real here). I guess I could fix the waist issue by wearing a belt, but I hate wearing belts with pants, not to mention I don’t even own any belts that fit around my hips. Plus, the denim is just shitty. I bought some GAP jeans a couple of years ago and they’re already getting holes – and I barely even wear them! So I recently got rid of all my jeans – I had almost a dozen pairs – and bought one pair. I only own one pair of jeans now, and here they are.

Imogene Stretch
These are made by Imogene and Willie, and they are the Imogene Stretch. I’m not going to sugar coat – they were fucking expensive. Actually, these jeans are the most expensive piece of clothing I have ever owned. This is also the first piece of new/non-sale clothing I’ve bought in several years (and yes, I bought them with my own money. Ha, I WISH I+W would give me free jeans!). So, why would I spend $200+ on one pair of jeans, you might ask?
– They are made here in Nashville, TN, by a small business. I like supporting small businesses. I like knowing my money is going back into my community.
– The materials are amazing. The denim is high-quality and wears beautifully (and it’s woven in the USA! Yeah!). I also get 3 free repairs, should I happen to gouge a hole in them or some shit.
– The fit is better than any pair of pants I’ve ever owned. I dunno about you, but I’d rather own one pair of well-fitting pants than a dozen pairs of ill-fitting pants. I have no waist gap, the legs fit perfectly, and the length was hemmed to my exact measurements when I bought them.

Also, the workmanship is just beautiful-
Imogene Stretch
The topstitching is three different colors. Can you see it?

Imogene Stretch

Imogene Stretch

Imogene Stretch

I’m not posting this because I secretly want everyone to stop shopping at fast fashion places (ok, I kinda do – in a perfect world. But that’s not really attainable right now, and not everyone has that kind of budget! ;)). I mean, I just bought a pair of Keds the other day. Whatever. But… know when to pick your battles. Know what matters to you, and what you can let slide. And personally for me – I’ll make what I can, and buy local when I can find and afford it, and not feel bad if I occasionally have to buy shoes at Macy’s. Small changes eventually equal big changes.

Organic Renfrew

Organic Renfrew

~*~Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post, although I did receive a fabric sample from Organic Cotton Plus to review & keep. All opinions on this product are my own.

70 Responses to “Completed: White Tshirts. Yes, Tshirts.”

  1. puu February 1, 2013 at 2:01 pm #

    i like to bake AND make t-shirts when i am stressed. either is awesome for re-focusing bad energy. and there is nothing quite as classic as a good white T and good-looking jeans!

  2. sewbusylizzy February 1, 2013 at 2:06 pm #

    I’m with you! I’m not making jeans either (or underpants – my mother made mine as a kid and I’m scarred for life I tells ya).
    Love the shirts. I think I need some of that fabric in my life….

  3. Tasha @ By gum, by golly! February 1, 2013 at 2:23 pm #

    I was so pissed off yesterday after work that I actually enjoyed/relaxed while ripping out a seam that I’d accidentally taken in when the other day I meant to take in the one next to it (because I rock). So sometimes, what we enjoy doing doesn’t necessarily have to make sense to others. 😉

    You look damn fabulous in both those jeans and those tees!

    • Tasha @ By gum, by golly! February 1, 2013 at 2:24 pm #

      Make that: doesn’t have to necessarily make sense to -any-one, including ourselves, actually. Ha!

    • LLADYBIRD February 1, 2013 at 2:25 pm #

      Ha, I love ripping seams. It appeals to the destructive side of me 😉

  4. dorien February 1, 2013 at 2:26 pm #

    I was hoping you’d have a new post up and you did! Yay for you! I’ve been trying to get my hands on a renfrew pattern for months now but sewaholic is ridicously hard to find in Europe ( and I don’t own a creditcard- I don’t trust myself with it), but when I do I will be making PILES of t-shirts 🙂

    • LLADYBIRD February 1, 2013 at 2:29 pm #

      Credit cards are easy to get carried away with – good for you for knowing your limits! (I do now, but it took a big fat money mistake to learn it). Although it is definitely hard to buy stuff online without a credit card 😦 Have you considered putting a small amount of money on a Visa gift card and using that to buy stuff online? That’s what I used to do when I didn’t have a card 🙂

  5. Claire (aka Seemane) February 1, 2013 at 2:33 pm #

    S’funny I bake sometimes when I’m tired or stressed LOL! They may be basics but you’ll get loads of wear out of them – and as you say they look and fit great 🙂

  6. Heartofstone February 1, 2013 at 3:07 pm #

    Wow those jeans are awesome, and they fit you perfectly!! I have never spent that much on jeans before. I actually buy all my jeans at the Gap as I find they fit my generous booty and thighs without the huge gap at the waist like other jeans. I do find though that I spend too much time hemming and mending rips and holes than I probably should. I probably wouldn’t have to do this with more expensive, well tailored jeans…sigh.

    As for the tee’s, very nice!! They look so comfy and professional!! Good job 🙂

  7. missjoiedevivre February 1, 2013 at 3:22 pm #

    I’m impressed how good you make jeans and a white tee look! The tees look beautifully made. I’ve got some fabric to make tees, but finding knits I like has been tricky, so I’ve got these earmarked as practice. When I can punch out a tee like yours, I’ll know I’ve got it sorted.

  8. sarah February 1, 2013 at 3:44 pm #

    always love your blog and completely agree about buying local when you can and responsibly sourced fabric!
    also love basics…i am just tip toeing into the world of sewing adult clothing and i am not a huge dress/skirt girl so that is hard to deal with when wanting to sew clothes. all those pretty dresses would get minimal wear!
    p.s. also thanks for the taylor tailor link! amazing jeans and menswear stuff!! love seeing workmanship that is awe inspiring.

  9. CGCouture February 1, 2013 at 4:09 pm #

    I like making basics too (obviously). Frilly dresses are pretty, but aside from church (when/if I make my heathen self go), I have nowhere to wear such things. So, I don’t think it’s boring when other people make the basic stuff. Your nice white t-shirt looks really nice on you, and the jeans are awesome. Hooray for supporting a local business, we try to do that whenever possible too, even if it costs more, the service is absolutely worth it. Are the jeans custom made then? Like I could send my measurements and they’d make me a pair of perfectly fitted jeans?

    • LLADYBIRD February 1, 2013 at 4:52 pm #

      I believe they will make alterations as necessary to get the jeans to fit you, although I didn’t have to do that, as the straight size fit perfectly as-is (other than the hem length). It’s worth asking, anyway! I love my jeans 🙂

  10. StephC February 1, 2013 at 4:10 pm #

    “I can’t even walk in the mall anymore now without yelling about polyester and stitch lengths.” ME NEITHER! Really, really, and other people get a bit cranky with me. But it’s just-so-gross. My biggest biggest crazy sewing lady who hates RTW peeve is t-shirts cut off grain. EVEN LUCKY DOES IT. Ugh.

    Your shirts are so nice! Great job, and really great post. 🙂

    • LLADYBIRD February 1, 2013 at 4:50 pm #

      Yes! The off-grain thing drives me NUTS! It’s so sad that higher price doesn’t even equal better quality these days… at least, not the majority of the time, anyway.

  11. Bec February 1, 2013 at 4:20 pm #

    Tops are super cute, those jeans fit you perfectly..and look hot!:)

  12. Lisette February 1, 2013 at 4:23 pm #

    I wish I could get into t-shirt making. There’s just no good t-shirt fabric to be found near me and I don’t want to risk buying online. But I will keep this company in mind when I do attempt it! I also really wish I could source jeans like that! I would pay lots for well-fitting jeans. I thought I’d found them at the Gap because their fit model is pretty close to my body shape – a tummy, not much of a butt and thin legs. Sadly, they stretched out so much that I can pull them off without undoing them! And they’re fairly high-waisted so it’s not like their widest at the top or anything.

  13. Katie February 1, 2013 at 4:32 pm #

    I love it all. Those jeans are officially on my to-save-for list. And I’m checking out that fabric when I need to buy knit again. Thanks for all the recs!

  14. Helen February 1, 2013 at 4:42 pm #

    Love your t-shirts (and the jeans). I like the look of that fabric. I’ve only found the “slinky” kind in my local fabric stores (and am yet to buy fabric online, regardless of the fibre content), which as you say has a time and a place, but not in everyday basics.

    And I have serious sewing-room, and bird necklace envy too!

  15. tinygoldenpins February 1, 2013 at 4:55 pm #

    Yep. 200.00 for a pair of locally made jeans is OK by me. one of the reasons I wanted to lose a couple of sizes (one down) is to buy a pair made by these hometown folks: (275.00, actually). oh, why not? Let’s get back to basics: four or five white renfrew tees, one pair of jeans that fit like a glove and will last for many many moons!

    • LLADYBIRD February 4, 2013 at 9:24 am #

      Oooh, those are beautiful! I love a pair of well-made jeans. After wearing them in, I really can’t imagine wearing the mass-made stuff ever again.

  16. walldruggie February 1, 2013 at 5:03 pm #

    My kingdom for the perfect white tee ! And a pair of perfectly fitted jeans! You are my idol!

  17. soisewedthis February 1, 2013 at 5:03 pm #

    I just finished reading Overdressed. It’s made me rethink where my fabric comes from. Thanks for the tip about Organic Cotton Plus. Their eco-dyed knits look nice too.

  18. Trice February 1, 2013 at 5:05 pm #

    Very cute outfit. Sometimes you have to keep it basic when it comes to sewing. Especially when you buy a t-shirt and the topstitching comes apart and you only washed the damn thing on gentle cycle. I am loving the cotton, I think I might have to pick up some. You should see if you can get away with wearing a loud bra under that tshirt.

    I love jeans but I hate that they never fit right. I have the similar problems. I wear my jeans off my high hip, so if you are behind me, you might get some crack action because I hate wearing belts. The hem of my jeans look like they were attacked by a paper shredder. Yeah, I am not going to hem them because it doesn’t bother me. Then after several months of wear, my thighs destroy the inside. Rubbed a hole right through my jeans with the power of thunder thighs. I also refuse to spend a lot of money on my jeans (clothes) because I am rough on clothing. Not sure how either.

    Btw, you are really cranking these projects out, good you. When I am in a bad mood, I like to either climb in bed and sleep or curl up on the couch with a blanket, watch tv until i pass out.

  19. weefrills February 1, 2013 at 5:11 pm #

    Great shirt! I will read Overdressed someday!

  20. kittee February 1, 2013 at 6:14 pm #

    you are definitely pulling that off.


  21. nicole February 1, 2013 at 6:34 pm #

    Bahaha you sound like me at the mall! There’s such a disconnect when I go shopping with people, though. They’ll pick up some chunky, trendy, knit tunic or something and say “Oh you could make this right?” Yeah but why would I want to? “For really cheap?” Umm… no. I don’t think you can make anything for the prices F21 sells for, but that’s not the point. Oh well, people either get it or they don’t. I love basic tees and yours look fabulous. And I love those jeans and the story behind them!

  22. CarolinasCallin February 1, 2013 at 7:31 pm #

    I LOVE your tee shirt! Looks great on you – so flattering, and the fabric looks really nice, too! Well done. I’m jealous of your lovely stitching. Haven’t worked up the courage to try the double needle thing yet. It’s still lurking in my kit of stuff that came with my machine!

    Great jeans, too – love to buy local 🙂

  23. Rochelle New February 1, 2013 at 7:58 pm #

    Nice!!! I was contacted by them too and picked a craaaazy print sateen. I love it but I probably should have gone with a solid. You really can’t go wrong with a staple solid white tee! I pretty much gave up on wearing jeans. I can’t find a pair that fits to save my life. Yours look amazing though. And well worth the money, especially when supporting local!

    • LLADYBIRD February 4, 2013 at 9:30 am #

      I thought I recognized that print you posted on Instagram the other day 😉 I can’t wait to see what you made it with!

  24. laurelshimer February 1, 2013 at 9:05 pm #

    I love plain sewing tees and underwear too. Unlike you I’m believing that I will be a jeans sewer. Have seen lots of great examples on the web:-) I loved your tee and that cotton tee fabric looks durn good.

  25. greenfrogknits February 1, 2013 at 9:20 pm #

    First, I love your necklace. LOVE. Secondly, I want to make a couple of everyday wear things myself, but I don’t have a serger (ugh) and I seem to never find the right kind of fabric at Jo-ann’s for it (or maybe I don’t know what to look for). What resources did you used to get into sewing the basics?

    • LLADYBIRD February 4, 2013 at 9:32 am #

      Actually – just a lot of trial and error. Like, many many years worth of it haha! I would highly recommend branching out from Joann’s whenever you can… they have some good stuff, but it can be pretty hit or miss.

  26. taylortailor February 1, 2013 at 10:47 pm #

    Solid, everyday basics are pretty much all I do. Thanks for the shout out btw 🙂 Great work on the Tshirts! I need a Tshirt lesson from you. Tshirts and possibly some polo shirts are what I plan on learning to make next. If didn’t love making jeans so much, I would definitely be saving up for a pair of I+W too!

    • LLADYBIRD February 4, 2013 at 9:34 am #

      I will totally give you a crash course in tshirts/knits anytime you want, dude! And you can show me how you work that denim magic 😀 haha

  27. Sarah February 1, 2013 at 11:50 pm #

    my thing that I have to buy good quality now is shoes. I always have trouble finding shoes that don’t make my feet hurt, and then they wear out in six months and I have to go shopping again, and buy four pairs before I find one that isn’t aweful, because you can never tell until a week in if it’s going to be aweful. It’s expensive considering what you get out of it, and frustrating, and wastful. So last fall I got fed up and bought some New Rock boots. Yes, they cost me a months rent. They are real leather, and the most comfortable footwear I have ever owned, and barely more than worn in after 3 months of wearing them every day. I’m going to think of shoes as an investmint from now on, because a summer and a winter pair of shoes that are comfortable and last for years is so much better than 20 that make your feet bleed.

    also, I love making underwear and tank tops and things to relax, it feels so satisfying to do it yourself!

    • LLADYBIRD February 4, 2013 at 9:37 am #

      I am all about investing in a good pair of shoes – I don’t understand how people can buy those little cheap shoes (especially heels!! Ahh); they are sooo bad for your feet! The expense isn’t really so high when you consider that they will wear longer/better, and you can get them repaired by a cobbler as needed.

  28. Kimmie February 2, 2013 at 12:13 am #

    I completely envy your ability to take a stand against fast fashion. I am a self admitted clothes hoarder and I buy inexpensive clothes almost exclusively. Although I do buy a lot thrifted or through clothes swaps and have pieces that I’ve worn since high school (over 10 years ago), a shit ton of my clothes are from big box or dept stores. I’ve always taken pride in my overstuffed closet and racks of inexpensive flats…but your fb post the other day about H&M made me take pause. This is fucking major bc I rarely say that I was wrong. Even though Im a long way from starting from scratch I am gonna make a conscious effort to make less impulsive purchases because its cheap and there. On the bright side I’ve given a looooooot of my cheaply constructed shit to goodwill so I’m kind of helping humanity, right.

    • LLADYBIRD February 4, 2013 at 9:40 am #

      Wow, dude, you have no idea how happy this comment made me. I know I tend to screech a lot about my hate for fast fashion (and the accompanying waste), and it pisses off soo many of my friends. So this totally just made my day 🙂 You should definitely read that Overdressed book – it was very eye opening, mind-blowing, and a bit depressing. In a good way, though.

      • kimmie February 4, 2013 at 10:44 pm #

        I will look into it for sure. Its honestly an issue I havent thought a whole lot about.

  29. Leigh February 2, 2013 at 12:36 am #

    Awesome job on the t-shirts! They look so much nicer than store-bought. I gave up on wearing white t-shirts because of how sheer and shitty the material is.

  30. oonaballoona February 2, 2013 at 8:15 am #

    i think i hate you more for these t shirts than anything else.

  31. Susan February 2, 2013 at 9:02 am #

    The white t shirts turned out great. I am really, really trying to sew more of those types of things than the dresses which I wear about 2% of the time. Something comes over me when I’m at the pattern table where I foolishly envision a completely different life than the one I lead (the one that needs more t shirts and less dresses!). Working on it for 2013, though. Those jeans look amazing, too!

  32. graciep February 2, 2013 at 11:02 am #

    Holy crap, you look amazing in those jeans!

  33. Becky February 2, 2013 at 12:43 pm #

    My favorite outfit! Great jeans and white tee shirts, what’s better on a Saturday morning? I think your tees look fabulous. You can get great RTW tees, but they cost an arm and a leg, honestly! Lauren, I have a question for you. I just got my used Baby Lock (whoo hoo!), and I wondered if you try to match thread to fabric on everything you serge? Seems like that would be expensive, but I don’t really know what I’m talking about, which is why I am asking you!

    • LLADYBIRD February 4, 2013 at 9:44 am #

      Haha, I always match my thread – but I also have thread in like, every color 🙂 I don’t think it’s necessary, though – don’t feel like you have to go out and buying a shit load of thread (unless you want to – in that case, don’t let me stop you!). I started my collection with black and white, then branched out into common/neutral colors (like grey, red, navy, ivory, brown) before I bought the fun colors. Those little spools of thread can get expensive; I just bought a set of colors every time I went to the store. It took a long time to build up a nice collection, but a little at a time makes the wallet hurt less 🙂

      And if it helps – you can just thread the loopers with the colorful stuff and put a matching neutral in the needles. Since the needle thread doesn’t show too much, you can get away with just buying 1-2 spools of fun colors, instead of all 4. Just fyi!

      • Becky February 4, 2013 at 10:07 am #

        Thanks, Lauren, that helps a lot!

    • Marcy February 5, 2013 at 12:06 pm #

      Also, if you’re not going to use a ton of a color, you can get away with buying one large spool then filling up some empty spools. Did that even make sense? I wanted some purple, for like one project, so I bought a serger spool of purple, then filled up a bobbin and two empty regular-size spools to thread my serger.

      • LLADYBIRD February 5, 2013 at 1:07 pm #

        You can do this, but I would recommend buying the big spools when you can. It’s a bit thinner than regular all-purpose thread, which keeps the seams from bulking up from all those layers of thread 🙂

  34. gingermakes February 2, 2013 at 6:28 pm #

    Those jeans are fabulous! I will definitely be saving my pennies for a pair if I ever head to Nashville! And white tees are fab– they’re classic, modern, or retro, depending on how you style them! Glad to know about Organic Cotton Plus– it’s nice to know about more organic fabric options!

  35. Phil February 3, 2013 at 2:22 am #

    At the moment I am the same as you with jeans and underwear – all bought, I can not at the moment forsee a time when I can make my own. I buy thrifted skinnies but they are always too big at the waist and speays my days pulling them up and tightening my belt! These fit you perfectly, I can quite understand why you paid the money for them! X

  36. theknittingarchaeologist February 3, 2013 at 7:32 am #

    Sweet Jesus those jeans look good on you!!! Serious envy over here! I, too, balk at high priced jeans, but after suffering through 2 new pairs that also stretch out and give my baggy crotch after only a few hours, I might just be following you into high fashion jeans land. Oh, and the t-shirts are fab! I need to take the plunge and get on the t-shirt kick. Do you think a serger is 100% mandatory?

    • LLADYBIRD February 4, 2013 at 9:46 am #

      A serger is nice, but it’s not mandatory! I’d definitely recommend investing in some ball-point needles for your machine, and a walking foot if you can swing it (again – the walking foot is not mandatory; it just makes things easier).

  37. Nyssa Jayne February 3, 2013 at 8:31 pm #

    i too am not cool with fast fashion at the moment, and really started sewing to counteract it, but there are some things i am happy to just say, “look, i can’t make that, and there are people out there who can.” shoes are a big one for me. 🙂 so i think it’s awesome that you’re making your own t-shirts (with organic cotton! swoon) and sourcing local and cool denim. love it!!

  38. Vicki February 4, 2013 at 8:29 am #

    I don’t know where you have been hiding but I am so glad I found you this weekend! Your blog is wonderful and inspiring! Thanks so much for sharing with us.

  39. sallie February 4, 2013 at 9:56 am #

    Love the t-shirts! The fabric looks perfect for comfy, basic tops! And YAY!! You found your perfect jean!!! That deserves a fucking prize!! They really do fit you like a dream.

  40. Max February 5, 2013 at 5:04 am #

    those jeans though!

    so nice. they are really flattering on you! I had like three pairs of ‘mom’ jeans and I was HORRIFIED when I found out. i guess I wasn’t looking at myself in the mirror when I was wearing them. I love my skinnies, but heck when i bend down there isn’t room in the trunk space 😦 I keep buying cheap ass jeans when I should do what you do and get ONE pair of AWESOME jeans.

    Also those shirts are lovely! I love the feel of organic cotton 🙂 Makes you feel good

  41. alice February 5, 2013 at 10:59 am #

    The t-shirt looks fabulous on you, though sewing with knits often seems to go wrong for me!

    But…The Jeans! Awesome fit! I would almost pay anything to look that good in a pair of jeans, hehe!

  42. Carlee February 7, 2013 at 4:21 pm #

    I read Overdressed in the summer after reading about it on an environmental commentary website I read and then spotting it in the library. I wasn’t really a huge cheap store shopper, F21 and similar Canadian stores, but I was absolutely appalled that all of my “good quality” clothes were all polyester (GASP! oil!) and made in Indonesia or China. I was very willingly shelling out $50 to $80 for one shirt/skirt/pair of pants and they were crap. And they never fit right either. The line where the one person she interviewed says, “We’re basically walking around in rags all day” really hit me hard.

    So enough blathering, what I mean to say is that it is awesome that you’ve read it because after reading it, I started looking up the sewing blogs that she mentions in her book and one link led to another blog and another blog and that eventually led me to reading your blog. Which is awesomesauce! Because you are hilarious. Hurrah!

    • Maria March 22, 2013 at 8:17 am #

      I love it! That’s all I really want to make–t-shirt, jeans and sweat pants. Okay, a bra or two, definitely that because it’s impossible to find cotton lined bras with all-covered elastic and fabric shoulders.

      Too bad I’m not better at sewing. Loved the post though. My t-shirt attempt didn’t come out quite as nice,but it’s wearable!


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  5. Completed: the Organic Hawthorn | LLADYBIRD - August 7, 2013

    […] cotton sateen, from my pals at Organic Cotton Plus (my second review for this – they liked my my first review so much, they came back for a second round ). I’ve not had much experience with cotton […]

  6. Completed: Fancy Cone Mills Ginger Jeans | LLADYBIRD - October 9, 2015

    […] and used their stitching colors as inspiration for this pair (here’s an old post where I took close-ups of the jeans right after I bought them, if you’re curious). The kits came with the zipper, button, rivets, […]

  7. Completed: Augusta Hoodie // Anima Pants | LLADYBIRD - August 22, 2016

    […] knits I used on the hoodie didn’t have enough yardage for these pants). It is leftover from these tshirts, btw. I can’t believe that shit was still hanging around my stash, but I ain’t gonna […]

  8. Bio Renfrew- V-Ausschnitt / ... - Alles über Damenmode - July 1, 2019

    […] Bio Renfrew-V-Ausschnitt / … […]

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