OAL: The Winners!

4 Aug

Hey everyone! Sorry, one more OAL post 🙂

I had SO much fun co-hosting the OAL this year with Andi, and I love that we had so many participants (66 posted completed outfits on the Ravelry thread!). I can’t even tell you how much I loved following along with everyone’s progress, and seeing what cool outfits came out of it! I really love the variety of sewing and knitting patterns that showed up in the OAL (some having already moved over to my to-make queue ;)). Such a fun time and I’m really glad I got to host! Thanks to everyone who participated! Y’all are the best! ♥


Andi & I wanted to sweeten the deal with an opportunity for prizes, so let’s get to that! Our official sponsor for the OAL is Indie Stitches, who generously donated prizes for each of the winners. Those who win get a free pattern of these choosing from Indie Stitches, plus a free knitting pattern of their choosing from the Untangling Knots shop. For the drawing, we compiled a list of all the posts on the OAL Finished Outfits thread that were submitted before the deadline on 7/31 and included a full outfit. The names were put on a numbered spreadsheet, which we used random.org to pull the winning numbers. So, without further ado – our 4 OAL winners~~

Karen’s Helen bed jacket & PJ’s
Damn, that’s such a good idea – why didn’t I think of that? Classy pjs and a bed jacket for lounging, instead of my ratty workout shorts and an even rattier quilt.

Roisin’s Myrna cardigan & Vogue 8998
ROISIN! I swear I did not choose her name on purpose; this was purely luck of the draw. I love her little pink Myrna and the fabric for that dress is such a perfect match!

Kristi’s Myrna & Simplicity 1803//McCall 6696
Such a pretty and classic combination! You can’t see too well in these photos, but go look at her Ravelry page – the top of the dress bodice is outlined in pink piping, which looks fabulous! And the inside is just gorgeous 🙂

Martinalici’s Featherweight cardigan & Washi dress
Love this – especially that hand-embroidered collar! Also, that Featherweight Cardigan is going in my queue asap 🙂

Woohoo! Congratulations, ladies! Keep an eye out for an email from me 🙂

For those who didn’t win, I still have a lil’ somethin’ for ya – a discount code! Use the code OAL2014 for 15% off your purchase at Indie Stitches shop. This code is valid for 48 hours, so through 7AM August 6 (whew! Is it August already?).

Thanks again to everyone who played along, I hope you had as much fun as we did! To see all the finished outfits in all their glory, check out the OAL Finished Outfits Ravelry thread, the Official Unofficial Flickr Group and the hashtag #oal2014 🙂

11 Responses to “OAL: The Winners!”

  1. tialys August 4, 2014 at 7:10 am #

    Congratulations to the winners and thanks for the discount code – off to have a look and see if I can spend some money.

  2. Fooniks August 4, 2014 at 7:33 am #

    Congrats to all the winners. Well we are all winners in my eyes for the amazing pieces made during the sewalong. And thank you for the discount, I have had my eyes on some patterns, I think now is a good time to snatch them up 🙂

  3. Camelia de Bruin August 4, 2014 at 9:47 am #

    Congratulations to all winners and thanks a lot for the code. Just orderd the Moneta and Minoru 🙂 yey. Thank you both for the OAL

  4. MarrieB August 4, 2014 at 11:06 am #

    The OAL was so much fun, thanks for co-hosting!!

  5. misscrayolacreepy August 4, 2014 at 1:26 pm #

    Beautiful makes!!!!!

  6. Jo August 4, 2014 at 2:21 pm #

    Woo! Congrats to the winners! I’m so glad I got my posts up in time- this was a really great event to be part of! Thanks heaps for hosting! 😀 And now I’m red Marion twins with you. Hee hee 😀 OOh I just realised that you’ve made La Sylphide too- double twins, yesssss. Off to go browse everyone’s fab creations….thanks again! 😀

  7. Roisin Muldoon August 5, 2014 at 3:08 am #

    Happy little dance of joy! I’m very excited about winning something: I know it was random but I haven’t been knitting for long so actually finishing something in time for the OAL felt like quite an achievement for me. I’m already halfway through knitting another Myrna – Andi’s patterns are really encouraging for a newbie knitter!

  8. Jodie B. August 5, 2014 at 7:05 am #

    Congratulations to all the winners and to everyone that finished their outfits! This was so much fun just to follow along with, even though I didn’t actively participate. Great job, ladies!

  9. kristiellkay August 5, 2014 at 9:35 am #

    W00t! Thank you so much for hosting this, it was such an awesome idea! I’m wearing my outfit right now, haha!

  10. Rose August 6, 2014 at 8:11 am #

    Thanks for hosting this OAL. Congratulations to the winners and everyone who finished their outfit. I saw many awesome dresses and sweaters on the Ravelry thread!

  11. Tae August 7, 2014 at 7:03 am #

    Just dropping by to say that 1- these outfits are so cute and 2- thank you for the discount code/introduction to Indie Stitches, I placed an order, had a little problem with said order, but Caitlan was just fantastic! Amazing customer service 🙂

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