Completed: From A to Z Cardigan

2 Dec

I feel like the knitting of this cardigan took forever, but it was really only about 2.5 months. Crazy!


This particular project is a little special to me because I started it right when I put in my final notice at my old job, then I got a huuuge chunk of it done while I was in Chicago, and now it’s been my saving sanity since.


The main reason why I haven’t knitted it up as quickly as the others is just TIME. I never feel like I have enough anymore! I guess every adult feels that way, though, huh? 🙂 Once I realized I was not getting back those 1 hour lunch breaks (and let’s be real – working from home means NO LUNCH BREAKS EVER, EAT WHILE YOU WORK !!!! haha), I just let myself manage what I could manage. Which usually meant a full 15 minutes of knitting, at the tail end of my lunch. This equates to about 10 sleeve rounds (oh, don’t look at me like that, there were 30-50 stitches per round. very small!).


Once I hit that, I finished fairly quickly! Yay for me taking my own advice 🙂


Anyway, pattern talk time! This is From A to Z by Andi Satterlund. A little different from what I usually knit – the construction is bottom up, with knitted-in pockets and a few bits of intarsia for contrast, plus that monogram at the front (it’s duplicate stitch, not intarsia. FYI!). I used Valley Yarns Northamton worsted weight yarn for the main color, and the contrast is leftover bits from my Central Park Hoodie.


The pockets on this cardigan are SO COOL. They are knit with the body – meaning they aren’t seamed on separately. It was hard for me to wrap my head around first (honestly, I had to email Andi and ask her for help, and she was very prompt in her response!), but once I got going it was pretty easy. The top stripes are intarsia – my first intarsia, ever, and while it’s not terrible, it could use some improvement. I still have problems with holes where the colors join (which you can’t see because, duh, I sewed those shits right up), but it’s a start!


Part of the reason why this took so long was because it was sooooo repetitive. Stockinette can really take forever, especially at the bottom where it’s the widest! Once I got to separating the tops and then adding the sleeves, I finished this up fairly quickly. In comparison, anyway.


(I was really horrified when I saw this pantyline picture, until I later realized that those lines are caused by the ruffles in my undies. JUST SO WE ARE ALL CLEAR)


I plan to wear it closed, but it looks good open, too!


I made the XS and had no pattern alterations. This is what I love about Andi’s patterns – they fit me perfectly as-written! Can’t argue with that 😀


I LOVE the monogram. As with my intarsia, my duplicate stitch could reeeeally use some work as it’s definitely a Monet. It doesn’t look so great up close! But from far away it’s not so bad.


Ugh, sorry for all the pictures. I’m just really proud of how this cardigan turned out!


Like the varsity sweater of my ~dreamz




Told ya that dupe stitch was lacking. OOPS haha!




Here’s the back of the pocket, in case you were curious about the construction. I created the pocket by making kfbl stitches and pulling the new stitches to a holder, then knitting the pocket lining separately, then picking up each stitch along the side as I knit the bottom of the cardigan. I hope that makes sense! It’s pretty genius, in my opinion, glad I had a chance to try it out!


I’ve plumb run out of things to say, so I reckon that’s it! Ravelry notes are here. Next knit project – Owls! I have some lovely grey yarn for that and I’ve already started swatching 🙂

Oh, and just in case you were curious – my shirt says “I Listen To Bands That Don’t Even Exist Yet” (because it’s hilarious, that’s why) and I made my hairbows myself:)

One last thing – the giveaway winner! Let’s see who the random number generator picked today….


Congratulations PoldaPop! Keep an eye on your mail, you’ve got a Sugar Plum headed your way!

Thanks to everyone who participated!

48 Responses to “Completed: From A to Z Cardigan”

  1. sallie December 2, 2013 at 9:16 am #

    I’m totally digging the vintage-varsity-vibe (3 V’s!!!) of this sweater! And, dude, I am so freaking impressed that you knitted this up in 2.5 months. Mind blowing.

  2. Tasha @ By Gum, By Golly December 2, 2013 at 9:21 am #

    I love it!! The color and fit look great on you. There’s another initial cardigan pattern I’ve been eyeing but the duplicate stitch letter (or intarsia) is gigantic, so I haven’t wanted to get anywhere near it yet. lol

    So so so cute, I’d smack it right off ya, but then you’d be cold and that would be sad.

  3. Lauren @ Rosie Wednesday December 2, 2013 at 9:42 am #

    OH MY GAD I LOVE IT! I have got to learn how to properly knit a sweater. In between you and Tasha, you guys are giving me the knitting bug! Really beautiful, Lauren!

    • LLADYBIRD December 2, 2013 at 8:00 pm #

      Dooo it! Knitting sweaters is SO rewarding, I love it!

  4. Kelly December 2, 2013 at 11:38 am #

    It’s wonderful! No wonder you are proud of it 🙂 I really love those pockets. I’ve seen them before on RTW, and was curious about how to do it by hand. I love the monogram too!

  5. makesphere December 2, 2013 at 12:38 pm #

    I love the owls pattern! I’ve done half of it but got to the sleeves and like you say, stockinette is realllllllllly dull, so I put it on hold.
    I’m glad you made this cardigan- I was on the fence about it because I wondered if it was a bit too ‘preppy’ for my style but now I’ve seen yours I’m going to be all over it! That shade of green is lovely 🙂

  6. Rach December 2, 2013 at 1:08 pm #

    This is so adorable! I’m surprised it took you 2.5 months, my cardigan took me a year!! And even then I took the short cut of shortening the sleeves to 3/4 length.

  7. Kerry December 2, 2013 at 1:11 pm #

    So cute, and it looks like it would also look great with skirts as well as jeans. I love that it’s knit in worsted weight too, I’m so over 4 ply for sweaters and cardigans as it takes tooooo llloong, DK is as small as I’ll go but worsted would be great!

    • LLADYBIRD December 2, 2013 at 8:00 pm #

      Oh man, I love my tiny yarns but you’re totally right – they take forever! I try to justify it by making them cropped and with shorter sleeves, but still. I will knit into the end of time before that shit is finished haha!

  8. Donna December 2, 2013 at 1:14 pm #

    I love the old school style! I love Andi’s patterns in general; she’s a genius. 🙂

  9. Zoe December 2, 2013 at 1:18 pm #

    Nice cardi! Just like the kind I’m always looking for but can never find the exactly right one. But this fits you like a dream, and it’s funky. I think you’ve done well to get it done in 2.5 months – (I keep thinking I should start one for next year ASAP). I’ve yet to knit a sweater (and I have made more than one) where I haven’t had to completely undo and re-knit at least one sleeve! Always worth it though. 🙂

  10. Sarah W. December 2, 2013 at 1:52 pm #

    Really cute! I thought my eyes were doing something funny, then I realized your page is snowing!

    • LLADYBIRD December 2, 2013 at 8:01 pm #

      Yeah! I forgot about that until you mentioned it – WordPress adds snow starting on 12/1 🙂 I think it’s cute 🙂

  11. Marie December 2, 2013 at 2:18 pm #

    Aaahhhhh Lauren, this is just lurvely! Well done you, you’ve done an excellent job!!!

  12. Fabric Tragic December 2, 2013 at 2:25 pm #

    Very cute! Isn’t it a drag when stupid WORK munches up your sewing/knitting time! Pffft!

  13. Vicki Halliday December 2, 2013 at 2:34 pm #

    Hairbows. I read Hairbrows. Ha! Beautiful cardigan, clever girl. Xx

    • LLADYBIRD December 2, 2013 at 8:01 pm #

      Eyebrows for the hair, maybe? 🙂

  14. Xenia Katie December 2, 2013 at 2:38 pm #

    Love it! I started knitting– yay! You are very inspiring 🙂 Definitely not ready for a sweater yet, but working my up! Maybe in 2014….

    • LLADYBIRD December 2, 2013 at 8:02 pm #

      You can do it! All you need is plenty of time haha 🙂

  15. yarningoverthedays December 2, 2013 at 4:11 pm #

    This is gorgeous! I love the pine green and cream. I must agree with you the varsity feel is what attracts me to this sweater. I made this pattern also and love my version so much that I plan on making another in Crimson and Gold for my school colors. Beautiful job!!

  16. Rochelle New December 2, 2013 at 4:15 pm #

    You’re amazing!! Knitting still scares the crap out of me on a daily basis, though I’m finally working up the nerve to make a simple sweater vest. WHOA, ROCHELLE! Don’t get too advanced on us!!! I know. One step at a time, right? lol

    You’re totally my knit-spiration and I want to be you when I grow up 😉 😉 p.s. I know I just took my glasses off but is it snowing on your blog?! Haha I love it!!

    Hope you’re still loving the new jobby job!

    • LLADYBIRD December 2, 2013 at 8:03 pm #

      Girl you can TOTALLY nail a sweater! It’ll take a while for your first (I’m assuming, I mean, if you want to rocketship your way to the fastest sweater ever, be my guest haha), but as long as you love the yarn you’re knitting with and you’re pumped to eventually wear the sweater, it’s worth it 🙂 Do it! Make it a 2014 resolution!

      And yes – to both snow and job love! Ha! 🙂

  17. Jo December 2, 2013 at 6:49 pm #

    Yay, I love it (duhh, of course)! I really like how you paired the cream with the leopards print bows, omg cuteness. Sounds like you learned some awesome new techniques with this one 🙂 also, jealous of you getting to knit without mods haha. Never met a knitting pattern I didn’t mod! 🙂 lol!

  18. onedabbles December 2, 2013 at 7:38 pm #

    The cardigan is lovely – great fit – but what I love are the snowflakes drifting down the blog pages. A winter woolly and snow. I am grinning like a loon at this in sunny Sydney.

    • LLADYBIRD December 2, 2013 at 8:04 pm #

      Isn’t it cute? I love the yearly snow that WordPress drops on my blog 😀

  19. Sara December 2, 2013 at 9:31 pm #

    Lauren, I’ve been lurking your blog for a few months now, teaching myself to sew since about April, and I love your blog. thanks for posting so often! it’s great to be able to get a little inspiration when I have zero time to sew or be creative myself.
    anyway, I LOVE this sweater! it’s gorgeous and looks great on you. did you make the jeans you’re wearing in these pictures as well?

    • LLADYBIRD December 3, 2013 at 9:32 pm #

      I did not make my jeans, although they are handmade here in Nashville. That counts, right? 🙂 They’re from Imogene+Willie and they are AMAZING haha 🙂

  20. Carolyn December 2, 2013 at 9:46 pm #

    Lauren this is such a kewl cardigan! You did a fabulous job on it!

  21. lisa g December 2, 2013 at 9:59 pm #

    this is all sorts of adorable! love the monogram. i envy your knitting skills!

  22. Julia Bunch December 2, 2013 at 11:22 pm #

    I love reading your knitted sweater reviews! I’ve been knitting for a few years but have yet to dive into sweater knitting! You are lucky that you’re the perfect size for the patterns you pick. How do you decide how much ease you want? And what exactly is negative ease?…

    • LLADYBIRD December 3, 2013 at 9:35 pm #

      I’m really only the perfect size for Andi Satterlund’s patterns; everything else needs to be modded for a good fit 🙂 To answer your question – negative ease is exactly what it sounds like; the total measurement is less than the measurement of your body, so the garment needs to stretch in order to fit. Does that make sense? Most of the patterns I knit are designed to be worn with 0-3″ negative ease, so it’s really a matter of picking your measurement and knitting the size that corresponds with it. I find that I like about 2-3″ negative ease, personally, but everyone is different. If you are unsure how much you need, you can measure an existing sweater that fits you well and that should give you a good idea.

  23. Jill December 3, 2013 at 1:24 am #

    Love this cardi design. I like how fitted it is & the length is perfect!
    I’m finishing up my first sweater now, a baby one, hehe. Much easier than I thought it would be, plus it’s nice to try out sweater knitting on a small scale first.
    And funny enough, up next on my queue is Owls in a gray as well! Been wanting to knit it forever and now I feel I can 😁

  24. Jen December 3, 2013 at 1:43 am #

    Totally digging the letterman style and color! Super cute!

  25. craftylittlebugger December 3, 2013 at 4:31 am #

    Awesome job. I have been eyeing up this pattern for a while now, but then she went and released Aiken and I’m eyeing up all her sweaters.

    • LLADYBIRD December 3, 2013 at 9:36 pm #

      Dude, all of her patterns have me freaking out with joy right now. WANT TO KNIT THEM ALL.

  26. Anna Margaret December 3, 2013 at 8:23 am #

    That is seriously the cutest sweater ever!! You are so talented. My mom can knit very well, but I’ve never been able to make anything but a straight scarf with lots of holes. LOL

  27. Rachelle December 3, 2013 at 9:24 am #

    Awesome job Lauren! I’ve done the pocket thing on a baby sweater and it blew my mind too! And I totally have Owls in my queue. Gotta get on that. Thanks for the inspiration! PS. The other day I managed to get my septum ring off, with a little help from my SO and some heavy duty pliers hahaha.

    • LLADYBIRD December 3, 2013 at 9:36 pm #

      Lucky! I’m about ready to switch mine back to the silver one, but I’m too lazy to go to the shop and have it done hahaha!!

  28. craftmyescape December 3, 2013 at 11:53 am #

    This cardigan is lovely! I knitted my first cardigan last winter and still love it so much- it’s just such a good feeling to produce something so complete!

  29. Burke December 3, 2013 at 12:25 pm #

    This is so cute! I really need to just get over my fears and knit something! I would love a closet-full of handmade sweaters!!

  30. kimmie December 3, 2013 at 2:37 pm #

    This is 100% my favorite thing you’ve made. It is very happy days chic! I LOVE IT! If it was up to me, women would still rock poodle skirts. Also, the bangs look hot! I commend you for having the patience for bangs. I have tried SO MANY TIMES…and they always get swept back in a booby pin within a week.

  31. Lauren December 3, 2013 at 6:00 pm #

    I love love the ‘L’ on the front!

  32. Maggie December 4, 2013 at 10:33 am #

    I don’t know how I missed this post! Holy shit, I love this sweater!!! I am also super intrigued by the pockets, so thanks for posting a picture of the insides! My Francis Revisited is still languishing on my needles from earlier this year 😦 I am in the midst of my first hat (with short rows AND dpns!!) and then I will return to my sad little sweater! Again, you are an inspiration and I will just keep stalking all your projects on Ravelry, haha! 😉

  33. Jennifer Lauren December 4, 2013 at 8:43 pm #

    You are a knitting fiend lady!! I love this cardigan on you and your little monogram 🙂

  34. jenna (@KittyCatStevens) December 6, 2013 at 10:34 am #

    this is so cute it almost makes me want to learn how to knit… almost. 😉 i just think this gal already has enough her plate. ugh, so so amazing though— you should def be proud!

  35. carolinascallin December 9, 2013 at 11:28 am #

    Really cute – and those pockets are super neat. NEVER mastered the art of knitting! Might as well learn to split atoms – it would come easier for me. Well done!

  36. JuliaBobbin (@JuliaBobbin) December 18, 2013 at 7:14 pm #

    Well it’s freaking gorgeous! Well done you knitting ninja!


  1. Giveaway: Knitting Patterns from Andi Satterlund | LLADYBIRD - January 13, 2014

    […] my red Chuck – on Ravelry Marion – my red Marion – on Ravelry From A to Z – my L is for Lauren – on […]

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