Completed: Ooh La Leggings

23 Aug

Leggings are one of those types of clothing that have always mystified me. What is their appeal? Why do people insist on treating them as pants? Don’t they have enough decency to cover their asses, for fuck’s sake?

Ooh La Leggings & Coppelia Cardy

And yet, here I am, posing in leggings-as-pants, with a nice dose of cameltoe to boot. The things I do for you guys.

Ooh La Leggings & Coppelia Cardy

Haha in all seriousness, though, I don’t actually plan on wearing them out in public without my ass being covered – the fabric is too thin, it’s practically transparent as far as I’m concerned. I wasn’t sure how to treat these pictures – since, if I did cover the top of them, it would kind of cover everything and defeat the purpose of even taking the pictures, yeah? – so in the end, I took one for the team and here I am baring my ass on the internet. Don’t judge me.

Ooh La Leggings & Coppelia Cardy

Anyway, back to what I was saying. Leggings! I never got their appeal. Why not just wear… tights? I mean, if you’re gonna wear socks anyway (my feet are always cold, I like the multiple layers). But I gotta say, these Ooh La Leggings from Papercut Patterns were REALLY intriguing to me. They look so cozy and comfortable – and the model just looks super glamorous. Or maybe it’s because she’s gorgeous, I don’t know, either way, it got my attention.

Ooh La Leggings & Coppelia Cardy

The pattern is one of those deceptively simple patterns that offers a bit of a kick with the finished piece with all the interesting seaming – front and back yokes and seams down the front and backs of the legs. It’s very easy to put together – I can get these done in a couple of hours, from cutting to hemming – and it doesn’t require a lot of knit finesse or even fitting to get everything looking good. Only 5 pieces, a self-encased elastic waistband, and a quick pintuck of the front leg seams (or leave it off, see if I care) and you’ve got a pair of leggings that has a little somethin’ somethin’.

This is actually my second pair of Ooh La Leggings… I made another pair a couple of months ago, in red rayon knit. I never bothered to take photos (again, I wasn’t sure how to go about modeling them), but I can assure you that they get worn frequently. They are SUPER comfortable and they’re red!

Ooh La Leggings & Coppelia Cardy

I cut the smallest size – the XXS – and took about 4″ off the hem. I should point out that the waistband hits very high on these – above the belly button.

Ooh La Leggings & Coppelia Cardy

The grey fabric is a lovely merino wool, straight from New Zealand. Katie sent me a big, gorgeous stack of this shit earlier this summer, and I’ve been hesitant to cut into any of it because I didn’t know what to make with something so special! Leggings, I think, are a good choice – I can layer them in the winter when I’m biking, or wear them as loungewear.

Ooh La Leggings & Coppelia Cardy

If you’ve never used merino wool, let me be the first to tell you that this stuff is AWESOME. It’s soo soft and warm, and you can wash and dry it like normal in the machine! It doesn’t slip around while you’re cutting it, nor do the edges roll up when you’re sewing it. There is a good elasticity and stretch recovery as well. The fabric of the gods, basically!

Ooh La Leggings & Coppelia Cardy

The only drawback (which I don’t consider a drawback, since I don’t wear these as pants!) is that this stuff is a little thin. Thin enough where you can see everything under my leggings – including my panty lines (hey, at least you know I’m wearing undies amirite) and all the muscles in my legs. I was a little hesitant to post these pictures because I don’t think they’re terribly flattering – are my thighs really that big?! – but, you know, whatever. Them’s my legs and that’s just what they look like.

Ooh La Leggings & Coppelia Cardy

I also made my top, do you like it? The pattern is the Coppelia, and if you’re keeping track here you’ll know that it’s my third one (others are here and here). For this one, I sized down to the XXS and lengthened the bottom by 2″. I also shortened the neckband because it was gaping a bit, but I think that’s my fabric choice. Speaking of which, this is some type of rayon knit from Mood Fabrics, and it’s really weird. It feels like a cheap polyester, but it’s definitely rayon (I burned it and everything). Also, it’s kind of see through, despite being a bit thick. So weird!

Anyway, whatever, white wrap top/good layering basic.

I just realized you can totally see a mosquito on my chest in this picture. HAHA. Omg I hate mosquitoes.

Ooh La Leggings & Coppelia Cardy

Consider me a leggings convert! I still don’t know if I would willingly leave the house without something covering my ass (I say this as I have posted pictures of myself ON THE INTERNET with my ass out, and everyone knows the internet never forgets), but maybe with a thicker fabric, I could see it happening. I think these would be really wonderful in a ponte knit. You know I’m gonna try it!

Ooh La Leggings & Coppelia Cardy

Did I show you how good my ass looks in these? Because… look at how good my ass looks in these things.

66 Responses to “Completed: Ooh La Leggings”

  1. Clare Szabo (@Clarebel79) August 23, 2013 at 9:47 am #

    I am going to be the first comment because I want to shout out YOU MAKE COMFY LOOK HAWT. Seriously, this looks like the nicest weekend lounging at home outfit. The top is really really nice, I am def going to consider that. Never thought about leggings either, but maybe it would be cool to have a go too. And yeah your ass looks great. I hate you! 😉

    • oonaballoona August 23, 2013 at 5:22 pm #

      yep, gotta agree, my first thought was i hate every bit of you. AND I WILL INCLUDE NO SMILEY FACE.

  2. Leila August 23, 2013 at 9:52 am #

    Takin one for the team. I don’t get leggings as pants, either but I’m guessing it’s the whole “do it while you’re in your 20s cos you can get away with all kinds of fashion shit” approach. I like the seam lines on the leggings. that’s cool and a ponte version would definitely be more pants like.

  3. Cora August 23, 2013 at 10:31 am #

    I swear, most leggings are just tights renamed because how else do you get people to wear sheer pants in public?
    Although I’m totally drooling over your pair so maybe there is something to it after all.

    Also: “Them’s my legs and that’s just what they look like.” BEST. STATEMENT. EVER.

  4. heather p. August 23, 2013 at 10:38 am #

    Those are super cute. My daughter wears leggings-as-pants, but she’s eight, so she can get away with it 😉

    • LLADYBIRD August 23, 2013 at 11:29 am #

      Haha, true! Kids can get away with wearing practically anything 🙂

  5. therainbowrevolts August 23, 2013 at 10:39 am #

    I looooove leggings! Look, you might not ~get it~ but it’s just opaque (I mean, I wouldn’t go out in any see through ones) jersey pants that aren’t going to leave a giant elastic indent in my waistline (thank u tights) or be impossible to find a good fit with (and thank u 2 jeans). Anyway, I’ve been wanting to get this pattern forever, and I love all the detailing on them….and that they’re high waisted! It’s really hard to find high waisted leggings in stores. I hadn’t bought the pattern yet because it’s so expensive for such a basic piece of clothing, but I think you’ve sold me on it…

    Oh and they don’t look bad on you!! I think light colored clingy fabric is hard to photograph accurately since it reflects the light differently, idk idk. You look like a babe in them though so ♥

    • LLADYBIRD August 23, 2013 at 11:31 am #

      Opaque jersey pants, good point! I guess it’s really the thin/sheerish ones that drive me nuts, but it’s clear I”m not alone in that thought 🙂 Try the pattern! It’s really easy and fun to put together, and I think the upfront cost evens itself out after you make a few pairs (because who can stop at ONE?) 🙂

  6. gingermakes August 23, 2013 at 10:42 am #

    I’m also not a tights-as-pants person. I don’t even like to wear tights under skirts! I prefer pants if it’s too cold for bare legs. I’ve really been interested in this pattern, though, since the seaming is so cool, but I know I would never wear them outside of the house. I like this design a lot, but I’m realllllly not a fan of the seam at the crotch, ha!

    And you temptress– now you’ve got me stalking merino jersey again! It just seems so fabulous!

    • LLADYBIRD August 23, 2013 at 11:31 am #

      I wasn’t sure about the crotch seam, either, but it’s not uncomfortable if that means anything! Of course, if it’s a design feature you’re not a fan of… I can’t help you there, ha.

      And yes, merino jersey! DOOO ITTTTT!!

  7. Katherine August 23, 2013 at 10:45 am #

    Just discovered your blog recently and am totally hooked! Love seeing what you sew and your endless creativity but I also love that I end up laughing. Every. Single. Post. You have a totally wicked sense of humour and today’s post is right up there! You’re so right! I can’t fathom treating leggings as pants… so bravo for taking one for the team. ;o)

    Great leggings! I really like all those seams, sure makes them an interesting design. Seriously crushing on your wrap top. Looks so comfy. A great, staying at home combo. ‘Cause honestly, my ass just can’t compete with yours and I’ve got something against giving the general public heart attacks. ;o)

  8. Becky August 23, 2013 at 10:58 am #

    You do make these leggings look good! Flaunt it while you can, is my motto, since I am “of an age” when flaunting it is not a good look for me. Howsomeever, I would consider these with a long tunic for around the house or errands if the tunic was long enough to cover my jiggly. Perhaps I could wear one of those tunics that is longer in the back so that the seaming could be seen. Oh yeah, about those thighs – STFU. Most of us wish we had thighs that look that good. I look forward to the ponte version.

  9. Sarah W. August 23, 2013 at 11:09 am #

    I think merino wool is the YARN of the gods, just for the record.

    • LLADYBIRD August 23, 2013 at 11:32 am #

      Lord, I love merino wool yarn!

  10. Jessica Marks August 23, 2013 at 11:24 am #

    Those look really nice! And they look great on your legs (which if you are cutting an XXS, thighs cannot be that big- they are well defined, not big). Lovely, and thanks for taking one for the team to show us them.

  11. CGCouture August 23, 2013 at 11:27 am #

    TBH, I can’t WAIT until the whole leggings-as-pants fad is gone. These leggings are adorable with all that seaming, but I’m so glad you plan to wear them as non-pants. Maybe if other women see your cute self not wearing them as pants they’ll reconsider their stance on LAP. 🙂

  12. Naia August 23, 2013 at 11:27 am #

    I love the leggings. I don’t have the confidence to wear them in public either and I haven’t figured out how women wear skirts over leggings either. Every time I have tried, the skirt gets stuck to the leggings and I look like I’m wears poor fitting shorts.

    I love merino and all wools. Does anyone have an idea of a good internet supplier? I have been searching high and low without luck. Thanks,

    • LLADYBIRD August 23, 2013 at 11:33 am #

      I know Katie was considering stocking some in her shop (@ Papercut Patterns), and I can totally vouch that hers is the good stuff! I don’t know of any online suppliers, so I am interested to hear if anyone chimes in with some linkage!

  13. Ashley August 23, 2013 at 11:38 am #

    I have never been a big leggings person either, but I just thrifted a dress that is slightly too short and am thinking leggings and boots will work perfectly with it! The papercut leggings have interesting lines and I especially love the top. I would really like to see these styled how you actually wear them.

  14. Clipped Curves August 23, 2013 at 11:39 am #

    Totally with you on the leggings front. I have umm’ed and ahh’ed at this pattern. You see I like the geometric lines, I could see that with a thick knit you might be able to pass them off as sorta jodpurs/skinny trousers if you were an uber fashionable type of dresser. But I’d still want my bum covered. And there in lies the problem… an inverted VPL due to the bum seam.
    On the other hand I’m happy to work out in sports leggings in which case I need to find me some wicking/breathable sports fabric to make these up in!

  15. Liz August 23, 2013 at 11:52 am #

    The seaming is really really cool! Well done you for putting up pics of yourself in something so formfitting, I know it can be nervewracking! That said, please stop criticizing your body. You’re super slender and have a body most women would kill for, and did before you lost weight, too. It’s ok to have muscles–rock ’em!! You almost never make a negative comment about your body and that’s one of the things I really like about reading your blog! Keep up the good work! As women, I feel like we have a looooooong row to hoe to get back to not auto-criticizing ourselves, out of insecurity especially, and just owning the fact that we look like ourselves, and most of us look like the popular conception of awesome anyway. You don’t hear men doing this sort of thing. Sorry, sorry…I know this is your blog, AND I really feel the compulsion to preach about this sort of thing! I’ll stop…you’re awesome, you look awesome…own it!

    • LLADYBIRD August 23, 2013 at 1:01 pm #

      Oh, I didn’t mean that comment as a criticism about my body! I try my best to keep my critique to things that can actually be controlled (like, “I wish I had stronger arms”) and even then I don’t like to discuss because no one wants to hear it! But, at any rate… I like your comment and I wholeheartedly agree. I think the lady body is a beautiful thing in ALL it’s shapes and sizes and I wish women wouldn’t feel so quick to hate on it! That said, I see much less of it on sewing blogs… I think we just accept what look like and learn to embrace it! And I love that! 🙂

      • Liz August 25, 2013 at 11:33 am #

        You’re great. 🙂

  16. Andi Satterlund August 23, 2013 at 11:55 am #

    Leggings are great instead of tights in the winter because they come in heavier fabrics and are slightly looser so they capture more warm air. I’ve actually thought about knitting myself a pair, but that’s just crazy. I’m actually a little curious about your merino jersey as a middle ground!

    But I always wear my leggings tucked into boots and under dresses, never as pants. Leggings as pants just remind me of being a little kid in the 90s.

    • LLADYBIRD August 23, 2013 at 1:02 pm #

      I considered knitting tights a couple times, but I think sewing leggings with knit fabric makes for a happy middle ground 🙂

  17. shawnta715 August 23, 2013 at 12:00 pm #

    First and foremost you look great ! Second, I hate you for showing me all these Indie pattern makers with designs that I feel like I can’t be without!! No actually I love you but my wallet doesn’t LOL These leggings and an Archer with the extended ruffle thingy would be awesome! Or even layered under a mini because pintuck seams are showing up all over the runway.

  18. dannyscotland August 23, 2013 at 12:10 pm #

    I don’t get the leggings as pants, either. I even asked a friend of mine when we were out with our youth group and all the girls were wearing them. She said it’s to make people look at your butt. Hm. Okay, well, I guess if you have a nice one…. not me, though. No thanks. Your leggings look great as does everything you sew and show us on here. Thanks for being brave and sharing these with us.

  19. Heather Lou August 23, 2013 at 12:27 pm #

    Tights as pants is a crime against humanity, but I don’t mind yoga pants for some reason. Does the bootleg cut balance out the heiny action? I dunno. However, I wear tights ALL the time under dresses and tunics. I think your cozy wool tights will do you a solid in that respect. And in this case its okay to show the whole kit an caboodle because we want to see the construction. Now I want merino black tights….

  20. Rachael-Lynn August 23, 2013 at 1:33 pm #

    “Why do people insist on treating them as pants? Don’t they have enough decency to cover their asses, for fuck’s sake?”

    Ohh…MY…God! I LOVE IT!!! You never cease to make me laugh out loud when I read your blog, Lauren!!

    My sister wears leggings as pants, out in public, all the time! I give her shit for it every time! Once she came up to me and asked me if she “looked ok” and she was wearing leggings. I looked at her and said, “I don’t know why you even bother asking me! You know that leggings are supposed to go UNDER things!! They are NOT pants!” If you want to wear comfy knit pants thats what yoga pants are for! Oy vey and holy shit!

    But yours are delightful. I would have never thought to sew up a pair of leggings. Though I did just purchase a pattern for Sew Liberated for skinny jeans. That’s about as close to leggings in public as I’ll get! And I am still unsure about wearing them in public because this sister has junk in her trunk!!

  21. K-Line August 23, 2013 at 1:42 pm #

    Merino wool basically is the best thing ever. Why haven’t I thought to make lounge pants with it?? How luxe lady would that make me! And I do like the high-waistedness of these a lot. That’s exactly what I need in a waist. Mind you, I don’t love the seaming on these leggings. I think it adds unnecessary busy-ness. PS: You are gorgeous and you wear all of your clothes well. I think it’s important to show the things that you love (and which, you know, flatter you tremendously) and the things that are out of your comfort zone (which you probably wouldn’t wear unsheathed out of the house). You have one body and not everything’s going to fit in the same way. It gives people a really good way to know if it will work on them. PS: To save myself, I cannot comment on your blog through Bloglovin’. At least this time I remembered to copy my comment before pressing Post.

  22. kaloskraft August 23, 2013 at 1:50 pm #

    These are so cute! I have never sewn with merino wool-now I am intrigued! I love the seams on these pants it definitely makes for a more posh legging (can I say posh?…well, I just did). The top you are wearing is beautiful!

  23. MTangel August 23, 2013 at 2:25 pm #

    You crack me up! I hate that leggings-as-pants thing too. They’re clearly not meant to be worn alone if you can see every dimple and panty-line under them! Why would anyone wander around like that? That said, they are great for layering, especially when it’s 40 below 0. Also, I love that wrap top! I have a bedraggled old black one for ballet that badly needs replacing.

  24. Kim August 23, 2013 at 2:27 pm #

    Cool leggings! I’m very happy to see this pattern made up! I have it in my stash but haven’t found the right fabric to make it yet.. What do you think about a woven cotton? would that work? I couldn’t find merino wool here in The Netherlands or in Italy..

    • LLADYBIRD August 23, 2013 at 2:34 pm #

      I wouldn’t sew this pattern with any type of woven fabric, since you need the stretchiness of the knit to make these comfortable (as well as to get them off or on!). As far as using a knit cotton, I would be hesitant and would strongly encourage checking that the fabric has a good stretch recovery before you make the plunge – due to the nature of the pattern, they are gonna stretch a lot and you don’t want them to bag out! But I would think that is the cotton has a good dose of Lycra or some other elasticizer in the mix, it would work fine 🙂

      • Kim August 24, 2013 at 10:24 am #

        Ahh yes I actually meant to say knits.. Thats what you get, commenting after three beers 😉 Thanks for the advice on the knit cotton, I think I’m going to try and get some merino wool through an online store.. I want these too!

  25. Jane August 23, 2013 at 2:43 pm #

    I think these would be great for the gym- that way you can wear them out with a purpose, although maybe not in merino.

    I was going to say Tessuti in Australia stocks merino but they don’t seem to have much. The Fabric Store, here in NZ (and also Australia) has an amazing range of merino, colours, textures etc but they don’t have an online store but do take mail orders.

  26. buttonandsnapHelen August 23, 2013 at 4:38 pm #

    I’m against leggings as pants, but I prefer them to tights in the winter. No one can tell the difference since I’m always wearing boots, and since they aren’t over my feet, they don’t have to be washed as much. Plus, tights cut off the circulation in my toes – I think I’m a little too tall, so they usually pull down at the crotch or constrict my feet. If you don’t mind answering, I’ve been wondering how tall you are. It’s hard to tell from your pictures, and I always wonder when you mention hem length how that would compare on me.

    • LLADYBIRD August 23, 2013 at 4:40 pm #

      I’m a little bit over 5’2″ 🙂 Almost everything has to be shortened on me 🙂

  27. Patty August 23, 2013 at 4:46 pm #

    thanks for the courage to post accurate pics from all sides – that way I know I will do this pattern in curduroy so as to made is as opaque as possible… btw, just love the look of that top! sold on both of them!

  28. Kelly August 23, 2013 at 5:03 pm #

    I do like wearing leggings with some dresses – when the dress is a bit short and I need something a bit more substantial than tights covering myself, or when I want to wear trainer type shoes, or flip flops with the dress. But I’m totally with on not wearing them out on their own – it makes me cringe every time I see someone with a not-quite-as-opaque-as-they-thought pair of leggings on with nothing over them. The only exception is for sport – I’ll quite happily wear leggings climbing or something (I’d say running, but I really don’t run!), that’s different somehow! Also, they’re not see-through! Absolutely love that top as well!

  29. Turina August 23, 2013 at 7:08 pm #

    Love the leggings and the top thanks for sharing, I’m going to have to suck it up and purchase some of those papercut patterns! I wear leggings as tights, under dresses and skirts, just because I don’t like stockings but love being warm. has merino and an online shop, but you’ll need to be invoiced for the shipping after they’ve cut and packed it if you live outside of New Zealand. I never like that idea, shipping can be a killer sometimes!

  30. Katie (Papercut Patterns) August 23, 2013 at 7:49 pm #

    Wow Lauren, you look great! I do need to say in my defense, these leggings were designed to be worn under tunics, not on their own as pants. I styled them the way I did so that you could see the detailing 🙂 I have the perfect tunic pattern companion coming out very soon in my latest collection.
    I’m not sure if I’m going to be going ahead with selling Merino Wool in my shop as I have so many projects on the go I’m not sure I could manage another one. New Zealand based “The Fabric Store” is opening an LA store this September and they have an AMAZING range! They take mail order and they might even start selling Merino online pretty soon? Check them out, they are totally awesome!

    • LLADYBIRD August 24, 2013 at 6:14 pm #

      Yeah, I didn’t think you intended for them to be worn as pants 🙂 Although the girl you have modeling them could totally get away with it, ha! Can’t wait to see the new tunic pattern!

      I totally understand not wanting to add an extra project to everything you’re already doing. BUT, thank you for that linkage! Very helpful!!

  31. Dana August 23, 2013 at 10:18 pm #

    I’m totally with you in terms of my feelings towards leggings. Too bad you don’t live in a colder climate; these would make great long johns. l have merino wool long johns and they’re basically the only way I can function in the winter (I live in Toronto).

  32. QSSSue August 24, 2013 at 2:03 am #

    I am with you on the ‘leggings aren’t pants’ but the detail in those leggings is wasted under a tunic. They would great in a heavier weight knit.

  33. Kay August 24, 2013 at 5:11 am #

    I like those leggings. I may need to get that pattern.

  34. sohini August 24, 2013 at 7:42 am #

    Hi, you look amazing in those leggings!!!!! I was wondering how these would look in stretch leather!!!!! What do you think?

    • LLADYBIRD August 24, 2013 at 6:14 pm #

      I think they’d be really cute; just make sure the leather is stretchy enough to get the leggings off/on and that the seams are nice and smooth and not puckered 🙂 TRY IT AND LET’S SEE 😀

  35. June August 24, 2013 at 8:04 am #

    I don’t even let my 3-year-olds wear leggings as pants. I think it’s tacky. I wouldn’t even let my girls do it when they were in diapers. I forget which fashion blogger said it, but it was something like “If I can see lady parts through the pants, THEY’RE NOT PANTS.” (I also hate that girls’ clothes look like miniature adult clothes – why is Target selling heeled sandals in sizes that fit my 5-year-old?!? But that’s a rant for another time.)

    Merino wool is awesome. And you’re right, the Internet never forgets. At least you’re old enough to be aware of that, LOL. Nice job on the sewing, as always.

  36. aem2 August 24, 2013 at 9:41 am #

    I kind of like the leggings under tunics, short dresses, or long fitted jackets look (not baggy over slim; that’s an unfortunate shape). This might be because the first time leggings were in, I remember wearing black leggings with a long fitted red jacket and boots and thinking I looked like the bees knees. I was 20, so I probably did. My mother, though, took one look at me and said “Where are your trousers?” Ah, moms.

    I want to applaud people who wear leggings as pants for their body confidence, but I just don’t think it’s a good look on anybody. And what I really don’t get are those people who TUCK THINGS INTO LEGGINGS. What the hell is that all about?

    • aem2 August 24, 2013 at 9:52 am #

      And I forgot to say: I really like that top!

  37. sewdooley August 24, 2013 at 11:52 am #

    I wonder if the design would make a good yoga pant (for an actual yoga class), if done in a knit of a medium weight?

    • LLADYBIRD August 24, 2013 at 6:15 pm #

      I think so! They’re very comfortable and the high waist would make them perfect for wearing with a sports bra. I actually want to make some into running leggings, but first I need to find a way to hack a pocket in there. I have an idea, just haven’t had the chance to test it out.

  38. carolinascallin August 24, 2013 at 6:55 pm #

    First…I LOVE leggings…but my tops ALWAYS cover my rear 🙂 You look fabulous in yours (no, your thighs DON’T look big!) but trust me – no one wants to see me in a waist length top and leggings. NOT happening. Having said that, I think plain leggings are my favorite. Yours look like they were very well made, but they’re not my favorite because of all the seams. For me, leggings = comfort, so those seams…I don’t know. My daughter has a great looking pair of JCrew leggings that are heavy knit, with seaming – and of course, they look fabulous on her, short top and all. Sigh. I prefer to wear mine as leggings with a LONG top over them…so I stick with simple. You did a great job on all those seams, btw!

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your gorgeous top! That’s a terrific style on you, and the knit is really nice! Great job! No wonder you’ve made so many 🙂

    Thanks for sharing another helpful, interesting post!

  39. Ybat August 24, 2013 at 11:13 pm #

    I couldn’t stop laughing when I read “don’t they have enough decency to cover their asses” because my first thought was, isn’t this the same girl who wears shorts out in public that look like underwear but at least you acknowledged it later in the post. You look great though.

  40. nettie August 25, 2013 at 9:13 am #

    This post is full of LOLs and awesome sewing!! As USUAL!! I love a good legging, but I don’t let this ass loose without some coverage ;D Though you, my friend, can totally rock this look!!! And then, Ponte knit + seamless panties = More Hot Bitch

    I love Papercut patterns and with a bday in two months, I think it’s high time I added a few to the collection!

  41. Becca August 26, 2013 at 11:08 am #

    I love the seaming on these! With the right fabric, I think that pattern would make a cute pair of running leggings. They look really comfortable and that fabric looks super soft. The wrap top looks adorable and comfy too.

  42. thecuriouskiwi August 26, 2013 at 8:42 pm #

    Isn’t Katie just the best?! Kiwi pride, also Merino IS the fabric of Gods, so amazing, I love sheep 😉 It comes in different weights though, I have some thin stuff like what you have, and some thicker stuff, it’s so good for winter

  43. Corinne August 27, 2013 at 8:10 am #

    GREAT leggings! Now I’m chomping at the bit to try sewing with merino wool. And to make a pair of leggings for myself as well! All the comments above are right – you can totally rock the leggings!

  44. missjoiedevivre September 1, 2013 at 8:13 pm #

    Good on you for getting your ass out on the internet in the name of “legging sewing science”. It’s a damn fine ass and great leggings so it’s win win.

    Also, merino is the best stuff in the world. I’ve been wearing merino leggings under my jeans for warmth for the last three months, they make all the difference. I feel oddly proud that you love it, as if I personally looked after the sheep that grew it, snort. Ah, we’re a small country, we take pride where we can!

  45. Ballerina May 23, 2023 at 5:12 am #

    Lovely red ballet flats 👠❤️


  1. Completed: An Emerald Green Wool Jersey Lady Skater | LLADYBIRD - September 13, 2013

    […] green wool jersey is from – where else? – Mood Fabrics. Having tried Merino Wool and now Wool Jersey, I am now going to give you my opinion on them and how they are different. […]

  2. Completed: Coppélia in Merino | LLADYBIRD - September 18, 2013

    […] that being said – I made another Coppélia cardy! (for previous versions – see one two three). This one in another piece of my prized Merino stash, hence why I needed to perfect this […]

  3. Completed: Polka Dot Peter and The Wolf Pants | LLADYBIRD - September 26, 2013

    […] If you were wondering – my wrap top is handmade, and my shoes are from Clark’s […]

  4. » the one where I’m really honest about cameltoe - September 30, 2013

    […] prepare you – still not perfect. I had such high hopes. They look awesome on the model and awesome on Lauren and at $20 I just figured, they’re supposed to be perfect, […]

  5. Completed: Ooh La Leather Leggings | LLADYBIRD - January 26, 2015

    […] thicker ponte, they almost pass for actual pants. Made up in a thinner material, they are great for lounging and sleepwear. Made up in some crazy lycra, they make amazing workout/yoga pants. Basically, they are my dream […]

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